Ports and Protocols

Here is a list of ports and associated protocols used by the IBM Process Mining and IBM Task Mining installed on OpenShift Cloud Platform that must be enabled in your firewall. Note that the port numbers for the external database configurations are the default port numbers and may be different in your installation.

From To Port Protocol Function
IBM Process Mining Web Client IBM Process Mining REST server 443 HTTPS User interface
IBM Process Mining REST API call from client IBM Process Mining REST server 443 HTTPS Rest API calls for integration
IBM Task Mining Windows Client Application Task Miner server 443 HTTPS IBM Task Mining client recording user behavior
IBM Process Mining server External MongoDB database (optional) 27017 (default port) TCP Optional deployment of an external MongoDB server
IBM Task Miningserver External MySQL database (optional) 3306 (default port) TCP Optional deployment of an external MySQL server
IBM Task Miningserver External DB2 database (optional) 50000 (default port) TCP Optional deployment of an external DB2 server