Upgrading IBM Process Mining

You can upgrade the IBM Process Mining application directly from the existing version to the next immediate version of IBM Process Mining. For example, you can upgrade directly from version 1.14.0 to 1.14.1. However, you cannot upgrade directly from version 1.13.2 to version 1.14.1.

See the following topics to upgrade your IBM Process Mining deployment from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1:

Before you begin

You must download the installation package from IBM® Passport Advantage®. To know more about downloading packages, see Downloading Packages.

The IBM Process Mining installation package is ibmprocessmining-update-X.Y.Z_<build number>.tar.gz, where X.Y.Z indicates the version of IBM Process Mining, and <build number> indicates the build or part number.

For troubleshooting the IBM Process Mining upgrade process, see the Troubleshooting application configuration topic.


To upgrade from IBM Process Mining version 1.14.0 to version 1.14.1, do the following steps:

  1. Stop the Process Mining application services.

  2. Copy the compressed file to the destination server and extract it to a directory. For example, /home/<mydir>/processmining-update.

  3. Go to the processmining-update directory.

  4. Set the environment variable PM_HOME according to your installation, such as export PM_HOME=/opt/processmining.

  5. Run the shell script update.sh. The shell script creates a backup of your existing version in <PM_HOME>/backup_<current date> and upgrades your IBM Process Mining deployment to version 1.14.1

    ⓘ Important: This step is only applicable for upgrading from IBM Process Mining version 1.14.0 to version 1.14.1. For upgrading from IBM versions 1.13.0 or earlier to the later versions, follow the documentation of the respective versions.

    By default, update.sh does not overwrite the customized files.

    ⓘ Important: update.sh can update a customised bin/environment.conf.

    In IBM Process Mining, you can use the force option for the update.sh shell script to overwrite the customized files.

    You can use the following options to run the update.sh shell script:

      ./update.sh --help
      *** USAGE:  update.sh [--help | -h] [--force]
        --help  : display this usage information
        -h      : same as --help
        --force : will overwrite any files that have changed
                    original copies will still be available in backup folder

    When you run the default ./update.sh command, the changed files are labelled as follows:

    : file has been modified, will not overwrite.

    Such files are summarized at the end of the script run. The original files remain without any change whereas the new file is saved in the same folder with the .1.14.1 file extension. This information is also stored for future reference in $PM_HOME/modified.txt.

    The following script provides an example for the default update:

        processmining.conf                   : file has been modified, will not overwrite
      upgrade complete.
      Some files have been modified and unable to automatically update.
      Please check these files manually.
      Your file HAS NOT been modified, compare it with the new copy '*.1.14.1'

    When you override the file changes using the ./update.sh --force command, the changed files are labelled as follows:

    : file has been modified, forcing overwrite

    Such files are also summarized at the end of the script run. The original files remain without any change whereas the new file is saved in the same folder with the .1.14.1 file extension. This information is also stored for future reference in $PM_HOME/modified.txt.

    The following script provides an example for the force update:

        ./update.sh --force
        upgrade complete.
        Some files have been modified and have been overwritten.
        Please check these files manually.
        compare it with the backup 'backup_2022-12-13_2228'

    ⓘ Important:

    • If you do not set the environment variable when you upgrade to IBM Process Mining version 1.14.1, the update.sh throws the following error message:

        Error: PM_HOME environment variable is not set. Set it to the processmining home. 
    • Before you start the service, you must complete the set up of CA Certificate to enable trusted server communication.

    • To view the NGINX configuration changes in IBM Process Mining 1.14.1, compare the processmining.conf files in the BACKUP_FOLDER/nginx/ folder and the ${PM_HOME}/nginx/ folder. For more information about the NGINX configuration changes, see the Web and SSL configuration topic.

  6. Remove the following information from the default location location /:

      proxy_set_header        Host $http_host;
  7. Make changes for Task Mining in the <PM_HOME>/nginx/processmining.conf file per the instructions in Edit NGINX configuration for Task Mining on Process Mining Server.

  8. Start the services.

Update authorization and permissions for process app

In IBM Process Mining 1.14.0 or later, you must enable a user to access the process app by assigning the Process Apps permission to the Owners group in Core > Tenant. In addition, you must remove the accelerator permission that is assigned to the Owners group in Core > Project. For more information about adding permissions, see the Adding an authorization topic.