IBM Catalog Management Plug-in for IBM Cloud Paks

The IBM Catalog Management Plug-in for IBM Cloud Paks (ibm-pak plugin) simplifies the process of discovering required IBM product images and uses standard tooling for registry and cluster access. The metadata is packaged within 1-n Container Application Software for Enterprises (CASEs) which specify the composition of the product (for example, OLM packages, channels, and so on) and ultimately images that must be copied into an air-gapped environment.

Additionally, the ibm-pak plug-in extends the IBM Process Mining CLI (oc command) capability to streamline the process of delivering installation images to the IBM Cloud Pak in an air-gapped environment.

Note: In this documentation, the IBM Catalog Management Plug-in for IBM Cloud Paks is referred as ibm-pak plug-in.

Installation methods

For more information, see Installing IBM Process Mining by mirroring Cloud Pak images to a private container registry. The instructions in this link explains both connected mirroring and disconnected mirroring.

The difference between connected and disconnected mirroring procedures is outlined in the Mirror images to final location section.

To install IBM Process Mining by using the instructions in the preceding link, you must export the following parameters:

export CASE_NAME=ibm-process-mining
export CASE_VERSION=2.1.0
export NAMESPACE=<your_project_name>
export CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP=processMiningOperatorSetup


  • Alternatively, you can use the oc ibm-pak launch command to install the catalog.

  • The value for NAMESPACE is arbitrary and depends on your preference. For example, you can define the NAMESPAACE as processmining.