Using the process app for SAP Procure-to-Pay

You can use the SAP Procure-to-Pay process app that is provided by default in the Process app page to extract, transform, and load the process data from SAP Procure-to-Pay to IBM Process Mining. To access the process app services for SAP Procure-to-Pay, click the Get Started button on the SAP Procure to Pay tile in the Process app page.

Do the following steps in the SAP Procure-to-Pay process app:

Setting up the process details in Process Apps

To set up the process details, do the following steps:

  1. Click Get Started on the SAP Procure to Pay tile in the Process app page to see the Process details step in the SAP Procure to Pay window.

  2. In the Process details step, enter the name of your process in the Name field.

    Process Name details

  3. You can choose to link or not to link your process to an organization.

    a. If you do not want to link your process to an organization, click the Next button to go to Gather your data step.

    b. If you want to link your process to an organization, use one of the following options:

    • Link to an existing organization: If you want to link your process to an existing organization, select the Use existing organization option and select an organization name from the list in the Organization name field. (See 'Video 2. Linking an existing organization')

      Linking an existing organization

      Video 2. Linking an existing organization

    • Link to a new organization: If you want to link your process to a new organization, select the Create new organization option and enter the organization name in the Organization name field. (See 'Video 3. Linking a new organization')

      Linking a new organization

      Video 3. Linking a new organization

  4. Click Next to go to the Gather your data step.

Gathering data from SAP Procure-to-Pay using SAP Extractor

To gather data from SAP Procure-to-Pay, you must download and configure the SAP ABAP code script in SAP Procure-to-Pay application. The SAP P2P ABAP Extractor code creates a default report in SAP Procure-to-Pay, which you can download as a .zip file. Do the following steps to gather your data:

  1. After the Process details step, go to the Gather your data step.

  2. You can use one of the following two options in the Gather your data step to gather data:

    • Use the already extracted data: If you have already installed the SAP extractor and gathered data from SAP Procure-to-Pay Extractor, you select the I already have the SAP extractor option in the Gather your data step and click Next to proceed to the Configuring event logs step.

    • Download SAP Extractor and gather data: If you have not extracted data using SAP Extractor, do the following steps:

      a. In the Gather your data step, select the Help me gather my data option.

      b. Click the Download ABAP code button to download the SAP P2P Extractor package. The SAP P2P Extractor package contains the following files:

      • SAP_ABAP_IBM.abap: The ABAP code script that you input in SAP ABAP Editor.

      • IBM_PM_ABAP_Extractor_Installation.pdf: The guide for configuring the SAP ABAP Code script.

      • IBM_PM_SAP_ECC_P2P_Extraction.pdf: The requirement specification document that contains the guidelines to extract and download data from SAP Procure-to-Pay without using SAP Extractor.

      • P2P POC extraction.sql: The SQL query to extract data from SAP Procure-to-Pay manually.

      c. To create a report by configuring the SAP ABAP code script in SAP Procure-to-Pay, follow the steps in the IBM_PM_ABAP_Extractor_Installation.pdf document in the SAP Extractor package.

      d. Extract and download the data in a filepath as .zip file.

      Important: If SAP Extractor is not able to extract data from SAP Procure-to-Pay, you can manually extract the data by using the P2P POC extraction.sql script. Refer to the IBM_PM_SAP_ECC_P2P_Extraction.pdf document in the SAP Extractor package to learn about the requirement specification for extracting data from SAP Procure-to-Pay using the P2P POC extraction.sql script.

  1. Click the Next button to go to the Configuring event logs step.

Configuring event logs

In the Configure event logs step, you must configure the currency in IBM Process Mining to match with the currency that you use in SAP Procure-to-Pay. To configure currency, do the following steps:

  1. After the Gather your data step, go to the Configure event logs step.
  2. In the Currency field, select the currency from the dropdown list.
  3. Click the Next button to go to the Load your data step.

Loading your data

To load the extracted data from SAP Procure-to-Pay to IBM Process Mining, do the following steps:

  1. After the Configuring event logs step, go to the Load your data step.

  2. Click the Drag and drop your zip files from the SAP here or click to upload button to see the Folder window.

  3. In the Folder window, go to the filepath in which you downloaded the .zip file that contains the extracted data from SAP Procure-to-Pay.

  4. Select the .zip file and click the Open button to load the extracted data. The process app then validates the data to ensure that the data is loadable.

    Important: If Process Apps cannot validate the uploaded data, you must ensure the minimum data requirements mentioned in the IBM_PM_SAP_ECC_P2P_Extraction.pdf document before uploading the data again.

  5. After process apps completes validating the data, click the Next button to go to the Generate your process step.

Generating your process

In the Generate your process step, process apps generates a process in IBM Process Mining based on the data that you uploaded in the Load your data step. You can see the progress of process generation using the status, namely PENDING, IN PROGRESS, COMPLETED, and ERROR of the following steps in the Generate your process step:

  • Transforming your data
  • Generating event log
  • Applying default analysis
  • Finalising the process

You can click the Finish button to go to the IBM Process Mining Processes dashboard while process generation happens in the background. When process apps completes the process generation, you can see the new process created in the process list on the Processes dashboard.