Widget configuration

You can configure a widget by clicking the cog icon on the widget header:

Cog icon

Since each widget has its own requirements, the widget configuration view is slightly different for each widget.


The text to be displayed on the widget header


The process fields on which you want to “group by” the analysis. Depending on the widget, these fields can be case-id, activity, resource, role, pathtime, or any custom field. In addition, the analysis may be grouped by the end-time or start-time of the cases (on either an hourly, daily, monthly, or yearly timeframe).

More than one dimension might be required depending on the widget.

From a, SQL perspective, the dimensions are the values of the columns you SELECT from the eventlog and on which you GROUP BY your selection.

Measures (Query)

The data to be shown on the widget (grouped by the selected dimensions). Each measure needs to specify:

  • A label (it is the Alias of the measure)
  • A query: each query may contain Operators, Functions, and Dimensions (go to the Queries page for further clarifications)
  • The formatter, which expresses what kind of value is expressed by the measure:
    • Auto (the measure unit is fixed automatically)
    • Date
    • Duration (note that when you select Duration as formatter, if applying business hours and calendar every time measure is expressed in hours)
    • Lead time (note that when you select Lead time as formatter, even if you applt business hours and calendar, the time measure is still expressed in days)
    • Heatmap
    • Number
    • Percentage
    • Text

From an SQL perspective, the measures are columns you SELECT from the eventlog.


Set specific filters for the widget to analyze the dimensions and measures only for the filtered events.

From an SQL point of view, filters express WHERE conditions.

Apply dashboard filters

Decide wheter the query must take dashboard filters into account. If you decide not to take dashboard filters into account, only IBM Process Mining filters are applied. This decision can be useful when comparing measures with and without specific filters.

Activity interval

Restrict the measure computation to the only activities in the defined interval.

Activity interval

Tip: you must activate and select the activity interval in order to compute Pathtime based measure.

You can choose, for both the start and the end activity of the path, whether to consider the following:

  • The first instance: if reworks occurred on the activity, the path considers the first execution
  • The last instance: if reworks occurred on the activity, the path considers the last execution

For example, look at the differences on the computation of the average pathtime from the start of “Warehouse Loading” to the end of “Invoice Check”

Activity interval

We can immediately detect that reworks occurred on both the activities.

Measures activity interval

  • By computing the pathtime “from last instance to first instance”, we are excluding all the reworks from the computation

Measures activity interval

  • By computing the pathtime “from first instance to first instance”, we are including in the computation all the reworks on the start activity

Measures activity interval

  • By computing the pathtime “from last instance to last instance”, we are including in the computation all the reworks on the end activity. Therefore,the path also includes the activities “Goods check” and “Wait”

Measures activity interval

  • By computing the pathtime “from first instance to last instance”, we are including all the reworks in the computation

Measures activity interval

You can choose, for both the start and the end activity of the path, whether to consider:

  • The start time of the activity
    • The start activity execution time is included in the path
    • The end activity execution time is excluded from the path
  • The end time of the activity (if available)
    • The start activity execution time is excluded from the path
    • The end activity execution time is included in the path

For example, look at the differences on the computation of the average pathtime from the last instance of “Warehouse Loading” to the first instance of “Invoice Check” (no reworks are thus considered).

Activity interval process example

Activity interval measures example

  • By computing the pathtime “from end time to start time”, we are not considering the execution time of both the start and the end activity, therefore the path will include only what is between the two activities

Activity interval measures example

  • By computing the pathtime “from start time to start time”, we are considering the execution time of the start activity and excluding the execution time of the end activity; as the execution time of the start activity is 0, the average pathtime is the same as before

Activity interval measures example

  • By computing the pathtime “from start time to end time”, we are considering the execution time of both the start and the end activity, therefore the path will also include the two activities

Activity interval measures example

  • By computing the pathtime “from end time to end time”, we are considering the execution time of the end activity and excluding the execution time of the start activity; actually, as the execution time of the start activity is 0, the average pathtime is the same as before

Activity interval measures example

Normalize axis

If selected, measures are normalized.

Render axis labels

It forces the widget to render axis tick labels.

Activities conformance

If an activity is selected as a dimension and you uploaded a reference model into IBM Process Mining, you can focus on:

  • All activities
  • Only conformant activities
  • Only not conformant activities

Hide empty dimension

If selected, empty dimensions are hidden on the widget.

Add constant line

You can add a constant line on the chart and set its measure unit (number, days, hours, minutes).

Keep last

If selected, only the last value before the specified date is considered for the selected measures.

Rowset threshold

Set the number of rowset to be displayed by the widget, up to 10000.

Show help

It shows you all the possible combination of Operators, Functions, Dimensions, and Custom metrics (if defined) that you can insert in a measure query.

Show SQL-like query

It displays the SQL query that you are inserting in the widget, as a combination of dimensions, measures and filters (go to the Queries paragraph for further clarifications).