How to create a simulation from scratch

Starting from a process model, you can create a simulation scenario from scratch.

You can create a new simulation or add the new version to an existing simulation.

Simulation from scratch

Unless the simulation is created from a BPMN managed by an external BPA vendor, the new scenario is usually entirely set as default (from Simulation specification) because there is no data from which to extract simulation settings.

In case the starting point is an external BPA vendor’s BPMN, the provided data (such as activity working times or waiting times) is used instead of the default: the data is not editable (it can be modified only on the external BPA vendor) - only the not provided data can be editable.

Create IBM Process Mining processes from scratch in simulation

The results of a Simulation from-scratch is displayed as a table.

By clicking “Create project”, the simulated datasource is used to create an IBM Process Mining project and visualize the simulation as a real process: the simulated datasource - in this case only - is considered as a real datasource.

Simulation from scratch new project

The new executions of the simulation considers the most recently created IBM Process Mining process as reference (As-Is).

However, the user can decide to replace the process baseline with the results of a new simulation.

Two import options are available in the Diff view:

  1. To-Be (default): the results that are generated by the simulation are appended to existing data as a simulated data set
  2. As-Is: the results that are generated by the simulation are imported as a real data set and all existing data sets are automatically disabled (both real and simulated)

Simulation from scratch to-be