Initiate installation through PowerVC operations manager

The PowerVC Operations Manager (OpsMgr) is a collection of utilities and services that are designed to facilitate end-user operation of PowerVC clusters like install, upgrade, backup, and restore.

This topic explains the procedure for installing opsmgr utility and the procedure of installing PowerVC on single node and multinode. You must install Ansible RPM or enable Ansible repo before starting OpsMgr installation.

  • For SLES, ensure that all SELinux components are installed by using YaST. Refer to corresponding SELinux configuration documentation for SLES 15 SP2 and SLES 15 SP3.
    Make sure that SELinux is configured as mentioned here.
    SELinux status: enabled
    Loaded policy name: targeted
    Current mode: permissive

    After installing the SELinux packages and enabling the SELinux GRUB 2 boot parameters, reboot virtual machine to activate the configuration.

    To enable openSUSE repositories during OpsMgr installation, run -o option.

  • If the installation is interrupted at any point for various reasons, you can always re-trigger the install procedure for successful installation.
  • Pacemaker configuration for virtual IP is done using IP address and not hostname even if the hostname is provided.
  • In a multinode environment, PowerVC installation must be initiated from the primary / bootstrap node only.
  • In multinode setup of PowerVC, at any given time more than n/2 nodes need to be active for the cluster to maintain quorum. Here n is the number of PowerVC nodes.
  • Ansible 2.9 is the supported version.
  • Make sure you disable IPv6 before proceeding with install procedure. For details, see Disable IPv6 topic.

Installing opsmgr utility

  1. After extracting the powervc-opsmgr-<OS-architecture-release>.tgz file, go to powervc-opsmgr/ directory.
  2. Run script to accept the license. Alternatively, you can run <path>/ -s to perform silent installation.

PowerVC OpsMgr operations and commands

After installing OpsMgr, you can perform several operations. For instructions to use the OpsMgr utility, open a command line and enter the command name followed by --help. For example, powervc-opsmgr --help.

Table 1. PowerVC opsmgr commands and descriptions
Operation Description
  • When creating an inventory using the hostname, make sure it exactly matches the VM hostname.
  • Captures inputs from admin user (inventory), which include the number of nodes for PowerVC deployment and credentials, edition, firewall configuration option, VIP, and so on. This operation stores information in a file (YAML format) that is used for subsequent operations like install, update.
  • Lists all inventory information (both entities, such as clusters, roles, nodes and their properties).
  • Deletes inventory file if not needed.

To create inventory, run powervc-opsmgr inventory -c <cluster_name> command.

For help related to inventory sub-commands, run powervc-opsmgr inventory --help.

  • Runs prerequisites on nodes by using command powervc-opsmgr install -c <cluster_name> -p. Performs check on all installation prerequisites.
  • Initiates PowerVC installation across the specified number of nodes where the number of nodes can be 1 or 3.
  • Run powervc-opsmgr install subcommand to perform this operation.
  • The platform of the nodes (corresponding to PowerVC Management Plane) must be consistent and uniform; all nodes must be of the same OS, architecture, version. Mismatch of RHEL and SLES nodes is not supported.
  • The input provided by the user/admin as part of the inventory input operation is used as the basis for installation. So, inputs that are provided like firewall configuration, edition are considered for deployment across all the nodes.

To start installation, run powervc-opsmgr install -c <cluster_name> command.

For help related to install sub-commands, run powervc-opsmgr install --help.

Monitoring Manages PowerVC monitoring components.
Upgrade to Private Cloud Upgrades IBM PowerVC to IBM PowerVC for Private Cloud.
Apply iFix To apply iFixes to the PowerVC single or multinode cluster installed.
Backup / Restore
  • Run powervc-opsmgr backup and powervc-opsmgr restore subcommands respectively for backup and restore.
  • For PowerVC version 2.0.3, backup and restore commands support the ability to backup / restore single and multiple nodes.
Replace node
  • In a case where a node is unusable or the node is down, this operation supports replacing it with a new node by forcibly removing a node and attempting a new deployment with the new node’s information added to inventory.
  • Run powervc-opsmgr replacenode subcommand to run this operation.
  • Run powervc-opsmgr uninstall subcommand to perform this operation.
  • This operation uninstalls all PowerVC packages / services from all the nodes that constitute a PowerVC deployment.
  • This operation uninstalls OpsMgr components that are installed on all nodes based on the user's choice.
Add nodes Use this operation to move from single node to multinode.
Resync node Use this operation to resync conf files post recovery of a node.
Update To update PowerVC management plane.
Configuration settings To manage PowerVC OpsMgr configuration settings such as IP address, users, and so on.

Virtual IP (VIP) considerations

Consider the following while installing OpsMgr.
  • A virtual IP (VIP) must be a free IP from the same subnet as PowerVC nodes.
  • All nodes must have same status of firewalld service.
  • Validate VIP during sudden failure of a node that holds the VIP.

Installing PowerVC on single node or multinode

Using OpsMgr, you can create a single node or multinode (3 nodes) PowerVC cluster. The cluster can be extended up to 5 nodes.


Inventory creation for PowerVC on a single node
[root@powervc_host ~]# powervc-opsmgr inventory -c <cluster_name>
Install Private cloud edition(y/n): Select y to proceed with installation of PowerVC for Private Cloud.

Configure Firewall (y/n): Select y to configure firewall.
Enter the number of nodes: Specify number of nodes, which can be 1.
INFO: First node that is specified will be considered as primary / bootstrap host or primary / bootstrap node
INFO: A sudo user with same username and password across all nodes is required.
Enter IP/Hostname for Node 1: <IP or hostname>
Enter Username for Node 1: root
Enter Password for Node 1:
Enter Virtual IP/Hostname: <IP or hostname>
Establishing passwordless connection
Passwordless connection established
Inventory file generated successfully at /opt/ibm/powervc-opsmgr/ansible/inventory/<cluster_name>.
Inventory creation for PowerVC on multinode
[root@powervc_host ~]# powervc-opsmgr inventory -c <cluster_name>
Install Private cloud edition(y/n): Select y to proceed with installation of PowerVC for Private Cloud.
Configure Firewall (y/n): Select y to configure firewall.
Enter the number of nodes: Specify number of nodes, which can be a maximum of 3.
INFO: First node that is specified will be considered as primary / bootstrap host or primary / bootstrap node.
INFO: A sudo user with same username and password across all nodes is required.
Enter IP/Hostname for Node 1: <IP or hostname>
Enter Username for Node 1: root
Enter Password for Node 1:
Enter IP/Hostname for Node 2: <IP or hostname>
Enter Username for Node 2: root
Enter Password for Node 2:
Enter Virtual IP/Hostname: <IP or hostname> 
Establishing passwordless connection
Passwordless connection established
Inventory file generated successfully at /opt/ibm/powervc-opsmgr/ansible/inventory/<cluster_name>.

After generation of inventory file, you can validate by running powervc-opsmgr inventory -l command.

[root@vm-1783 ~]# powervc-opsmgr inventory -l
Cluster name: test
Hosts: ['9.x.x.x', '9.x.x.x', '9.x.x.x']
Edition: private_cloud
Firewall Config: True
Monitoring: True
Primary or Bootstrap host: 9.x.x.x
Virtual IP: 9.x.x.x
---End of cluster test---
[root@vm-1783 ~]#

Start the installation by using the following method:
  1. To verify that your environment meets all of the prerequisites, run powervc-opsmgr install -c <clustername> -p before starting the actual install.
  2. Run powervc-opsmgr install -c <clustername> to start installation.

    To use your RHSM subscription and enable repos on all nodes, you can use -s option. However, you can also choose to manually add repos by using your RHEL subscription.

    You can use the below command to run the install CLI as a background
    nohup powervc-opsmgr install -c <cluster_name> &

The installation log file can be found in the following location: /opt/ibm/powervc-opsmgr/ansible/artifacts/powervc-opsmgr_<cluster_name>_install_<time_stamp>/stdout.

After installation is complete, run powervc-opsmgr install -c <cluster_name> --validate-install to check the complete health status of all services.

Note: Installation of PowerVC on multinode fails when there is a network failure. In such a case, you need to run install with the nohup command.
nohup powervc-opsmgr install -c <cluster-name> &

Monitoring scenario

Consider this scenario when installing the PowerVC version 2.0.3 monitoring feature.
Install monitoring after PowerVC is installed
Run powervc-opsmgr inventory --list to check the variable value. If it is set to False you must update the inventory set the variable value to True. This can be done by manually editing the inventory file at /opt/ibm/powervc-opsmgr/ansible/inventory/<cluster_name>/group_vars/all/cluster.yml. Here <cluster_name> is the name passed to the -c option when creating the inventory. Set the inventory variable monitoring to True and then run powervc-opsmgr monitoring --install -c <cluster_name> command. Alternatively, you can bypass the value of the inventory monitoring variable with the --force option.. For example, powervc-opsmgr monitoring --install -c <cluster_name> --force.

For details about monitoring, see Planning for PowerVC monitoring.