HMC Manual Reference Pages  - OPTMEM (1)


optmem - optimize memory


See Also


To start a mirrored memory defragmentation operation on a managed system:
optmem -m managed-system -o start -t mirror
[-q quantity] [--minutes time-limit]

To start a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation on a managed system:
optmem -m managed-system -o start -t affinity
[-p partition-names | --id partition-IDs]
[-x partition-names | --xid partition-IDs]

To stop a memory optimization operation on a managed system:
optmem -m managed-system -o stop [--optid ID]


optmem performs memory optimization operations on the managed-system. The memory optimization operations that can be performed with this command are mirrored memory defragmentation operations and Dynamic Platform Optimization operations.

Dynamic Platform Optimization operations dynamically optimize the placement of partitions to maximize the processor-memory affinity of the partitions, which improves system performance. You can specify a list of partitions to prioritize for optimization, and a list of partitions to protect from the optimization. Partitions which are not specified in either list could be either positively or negatively impacted by the optimization. The lsmemopt command can be used to evaluate the current system affinity and the potential system affinity that could be attained by running a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation.

When a memory optimization operation is in progress, another memory optimization operation cannot be started. In addition, operations that change the memory or processor configuration in the system are not allowed.

System performance will degrade during a memory optimization operation. A memory optimization operation may take a long time to complete.


-m The name of the managed system on which to perform the memory optimization operation. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name.
-o The operation to perform. Valid values are start to start a memory optimization operation, and stop to stop the memory optimization operation that is currently in progress. The managed system may not be able to stop the operation immediately, so it may continue to run for several more seconds.

Dynamic Platform Optimization operations should not be stopped. Stopping a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation before it has completed could leave the system in an affinity state that is much worse than before the operation started.

-t The type of memory optimization to perform. Valid values are mirror to perform a mirrored memory defragmentation operation, and affinity to perform a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation.
-q The amount of mirrored memory to be made available by the defragmentation operation. Specify only the additional amount of mirrored memory to be made available; do not include the amount of mirrored memory that is currently available. quantity must be in megabytes, it must be a multiple of the memory region size for the managed-system, and it must be greater than 0.

As much additional mirrored memory as possible, up to quantity, will be made available by the defragmentation operation. If this option is not specified, then the maximum amount of mirrored memory will be made available.

--minutes The time limit, in minutes, for the mirrored memory defragmentation operation. If the operation does not complete within the time limit specified, the operation will be stopped.

The managed system may not be able to stop the operation immediately when the time limit expires, so it may continue to run for several more seconds.

If this option is not specified, the mirrored memory defragmentation operation will not be timed out.

-p The name of one or more partitions to prioritize for optimization in a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation.

Multiple partition names must be comma separated.

You can either use this option to specify the names of the partitions to prioritize for optimization, or use the --id option to specify the IDs of the partitions. The -p and the --id options are mutually exclusive.

If neither this option nor the --id option is used to specify a list of partitions to prioritize, the managed system will optimize partitions based on its own prioritization. In either case, the managed system will attempt to optimize all partitions except those that are specified in the list of partitions to exclude from the operation.

--id The ID of one or more partitions to prioritize for optimization in a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation.

A range of partition IDs may be specified. A range is specified by specifying the beginning partition ID, a dash, and the ending partition ID. Both the beginning and ending partition IDs are included in the range. For example, the range 1-5 includes partitions IDs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The list of partition IDs specified with this option must be comma separated and can include one or more partition IDs, one or more ranges of partition IDs, or both.

You can either use this option to specify the IDs of the partitions to prioritize for optimization, or use the -p option to specify the names of the partitions. The --id and the -p options are mutually exclusive.

If neither this option nor the -p option is used to specify a list of partitions to prioritize, the managed system will optimize partitions based on its own prioritization. In either case, the managed system will attempt to optimize all partitions except those that are specified in the list of partitions to exclude from the operation.

-x The name of one or more partitions to exclude and protect from the Dynamic Platform Optimization operation. The processor-memory affinity for the partitions will not be impacted by the operation.

Multiple partition names must be comma separated.

You can either use this option to specify the names of the partitions to exclude, or use the --xid option to specify the IDs of the partitions. The -x and the --xid options are mutually exclusive.

If neither this option nor the --xid option is used to specify a list of partitions to exclude, no partitions will be excluded from the operation.

--xid The ID of one or more partitions to exclude and protect from the Dynamic Platform Optimization operation. The processor-memory affinity for the partitions will not be impacted by the operation.

A range of partition IDs may be specified. A range is specified by specifying the beginning partition ID, a dash, and the ending partition ID. Both the beginning and ending partition IDs are included in the range. For example, the range 8-11 includes partitions IDs 8, 9, 10, and 11.

The list of partition IDs specified with this option must be comma separated and can include one or more partition IDs, one or more ranges of partition IDs, or both.

You can either use this option to specify the IDs of the partitions to exclude, or use the -x option to specify the names of the partitions. The --xid and the -x options are mutually exclusive.

If neither this option nor the -x option is used to specify a list of partitions to exclude, no partitions will be excluded from the operation.

--optid The ID of the memory optimization operation to stop. If this option is omitted, then the memory optimization operation currently in progress is stopped. The ID is displayed by the lsmemopt -m managed-system command.

Although this option is not required to stop a memory optimization operation, it is highly recommended that it be specified to prevent the accidental cancellation of the wrong operation.

--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


Start a mirrored memory defragmentation operation with no time limit to make an additional 256 MB of mirrored memory available:

optmem -m system1 -o start -t mirror -q 256

Start a mirrored memory defragmentation operation with a time limit of 1 hour to make as much mirrored memory available as possible:

optmem -m 8233-E8B*1234321 -o start -t mirror --minutes 60

Stop the mirrored memory defragmentation operation currently in progress:

optmem -m system1 -o stop

Start a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation to optimize all partitions in the system:

optmem -m sys -o start -t affinity

Start a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation that prioritizes partitions lp1 and lp3 for optimization:

optmem -m sys -o start -t affinity -p lp1,lp3

Start a Dynamic Platform Optimization operation that prioritizes the partitions with IDs 2, 4, 6 through 9, and 11, for optimization, and excludes the partition with ID 1:

optmem -m sys -o start -t affinity --id 2,4,6-9,11 --xid 1






IBM Austin



Linux OPTMEM (1) February 2013
Generated by manServer 1.07 from optmem.1 using man macros.