migrlpar - perform a partition migration operation
Exit Status
See Also
To perform a partition migration operation:
migrlpar -o {m | r | s | v}
-m managed-system [-t target-managed-system]
[--ip IP-address [-u user-ID]]
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID | --all}
[-n profile-name]
[--redundantvios {0 | 1 | 2}] [--mpio {1 | 2}]
[--vlanbridge {1 | 2}] [--vsi {1 | 2}]
[--npivval {port | portdisk}]
[--uuid {1 | 2}] [--protectstorage {1 | 2}]
[--requirerr {1 | 2}]
[--redundantvnicbkdev {1 | 2}] [--vniccfg {1 | 2}]
[--redundantmsps {0 | 1 | 2}]
[--affinity] [--usecurrdata] [--migsriov {1 | 2}]
[{-f input-data-file | -i "input-data"}]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
[--steps {0 | 1 | 2}] [-v] [--nodetails]
[--help]To set system attributes related to partition migration operations:
migrlpar -o set [-m managed-system] -r sys
{-f input-data-file | -i "input-data"}
[--help]To set mover service partition (MSP) attributes related to partition migration operations:
migrlpar -o set -m managed-system -r lpar
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
{-f input-data-file | -i "input-data"}
migrlpar performs partition migration operations.Partition migration operations can be performed for AIX, Linux, or IBM i partitions only.
-o The operation to perform. Valid values are m to validate then migrate one or more partitions if validation succeeds, r to recover from a failed partition migration, s to stop a partition migration, v to validate one or more partition migrations, and set to set attributes related to partition migration operations. A recover operation should be issued, if possible, on the management console that is managing the source managed system.
A stop operation must be issued on the management console that is managing the source managed system.
-m The name of the source managed system for the partition migration operation. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name. If this option is not specified for a system set operation, then the set operation will be performed for all systems that are currently managed by this Hardware Management Console (HMC).
-t The name of the target, or destination, managed system for the partition migration operation. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name. This option is required when migrating partitions or validating partition migrations. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--ip If the destination managed system is not managed by the same management console that is managing the source managed system, then use this option to specify the IP address or host name of the management console that is managing the destination managed system. SSH must be enabled on both management consoles. Also, you must run the mkauthkeys command once to set up SSH key authentication.
This option is required when migrating partitions, validating partition migrations, or recovering from a failed partition migration if the destination managed system is not managed by the same management console that is managing the source managed system. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
-u If the destination managed system is not managed by the same management console that is managing the source managed system, then use this option to specify the user ID to use on the management console that is managing the destination managed system. If you do not specify the user ID, then the user ID of the user that issues this command will be used. -p The name of the partition for which to perform the operation. One or more partition names can be specified When migrating partitions or validating partition migrations. When performing any other operation, only a single partition name can be specified.
Multiple partition names must be comma separated. The maximum number of partition names that can be specified is displayed by the lslparmigr -r mc -F max_lpars_per_migrlpar_cmd command.
The -p, --id, and --all options are mutually exclusive.
--id The ID of the partition for which to perform the operation. One or more partition IDs can be specified When migrating partitions or validating partition migrations. When performing any other operation, only a single partition ID can be specified.
Multiple partition IDs must be comma separated. The maximum number of partition IDs that can be specified is displayed by the lslparmigr -r mc -F max_lpars_per_migrlpar_cmd command.
The --id, -p, and --all options are mutually exclusive.
--all Specify this option to perform the operation for all AIX, Linux, and IBM i partitions. This option is only valid when migrating partitions or stopping partition migration operations.
The --all, -p, and --id options are mutually exclusive.
-n The name of the partition profile to create for the migrated partition on the destination managed system. If this option is omitted when migrating a partition, then the last activated profile for the partition will be replaced with the current partition configuration on the destination managed system. This option is only valid when migrating a single partition or validating a single partition migration. When migrating more than one partition or validating more than one partition migration, the multiple_profile_names attribute must be specified instead.
--redundantvios,--redundantpgvios When validating or migrating partitions that use shared memory, use this option to specify whether the partitions are to be configured to use redundant paging VIOS partitions on the destination managed system. When validating or migrating suspended partitions, use this option to specify whether the partitions are to be configured to use redundant VIOS partitions on the destination managed system for accessing the devices that contain the data needed to resume the suspended partitions.
When validating or migrating remote restart capable partitions, use this option to specify whether the partitions are to be configured to use redundant VIOS partitions on the destination managed system for accessing the devices that contain the data needed to perform remote restarts of the partitions.
Valid values are 0 if the partitions are to be configured to not use redundant VIOS partitions, 1 if the partitions are to be configured to use redundant VIOS partitions, or 2 if the partitions are to be configured to use redundant VIOS partitions if possible. If this option is not specified, then each partition will be configured to use the same VIOS redundancy configuration on the destination managed system that the partition is currently using on the source managed system.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions that use shared memory, partitions that are suspended, or partitions that are remote restart capable. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
The --redundantvios and --redundantpgvios options are equivalent. The --redundantpgvios option is deprecated.
--mpio When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether the management console is required to maintain an equivalent multipath I/O (MPIO) configuration of each partition’s virtual SCSI and virtual fibre channel adapters on the destination managed system. Valid values are 1 if the management console is required to maintain an equivalent MPIO configuration, or 2 if the management console is not required to maintain an equivalent MPIO configuration, but should do so if possible. If this option is not specified, then this option defaults to the value 1. If this option has a value of 1 and the management console cannot guarantee that an equivalent MPIO configuration of all of a partition’s virtual SCSI and virtual fibre channel adapters can be maintained on the destination managed system, then an error will occur and the operation will fail for that partition.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--vlanbridge When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether each partition’s virtual ethernet adapters are required to be configured so that they are bridged on the same VLAN to an external network on the destination managed system. Valid values are 1 if virtual ethernet adapters are required to be bridged, or 2 if virtual ethernet adapters are not required to be bridged, but should be bridged if possible. If this option is not specified, then this option defaults to the value 1. If this option has a value of 1 and the management console cannot guarantee that a partition’s virtual ethernet adapters can be bridged, then an error will occur and the operation will fail for that partition.
A value of 2 cannot be specified with this option when a value of 1 is specified with the --vsi option.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--vsi When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether each partition’s virtual ethernet adapter Virtual Station Interface (VSI) profiles are required to be configured on the destination managed system. Valid values are 1 if VSI profiles are required to be configured, or 2 if VSI profiles are not required to be configured, but should be configured if possible. If this option is not specified, then this option defaults to the value of the --vlanbridge option. If this option has a value of 1 and the management console cannot configure a partition’s VSI profiles on the destination managed system, an error will occur and the operation will fail for that partition.
A value of 1 cannot be specified with this option when a value of 2 is specified with the --vlanbridge option.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--npivval When validating partition migrations, use this option to specify the type of validation to be performed for each migrating partition’s NPIV devices. Valid values are port to perform port validation only, or portdisk to perform both port and disk validation. If this option is not specified, only port validation will be performed unless disk validation for partition migrations has been enabled directly on the Virtual I/O Servers. This option is only valid when validating partition migrations. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--uuid Use this option to allow partitions to be migrated to a destination managed system that is managed by a management console at Version 7 Release 7.7 or earlier. These releases do not support partition universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). Normally, a partition’s UUID is transferred to the destination managed system during a migration operation. However, older management consoles do not support partition UUIDs and the migration operation will fail. Specifying a value of 2 with this option will allow the migration operation to proceed, and the UUIDs of all of the migrating partitions will be lost. Note that the loss of a partition’s UUID can cause higher level management software to lose the ability to track the location of the partition.
Valid values for this option are 1 if partition UUIDs are required to be migrated, or 2 if partition UUIDs are not required to be migrated, but should be migrated if possible. If this option is not specified, it defaults to the value 1.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--protectstorage Use this option to allow suspended partitions to be migrated. After a suspended partition has been migrated to another managed system, it is exposed to accidental reassignment of its virtual storage devices while it remains suspended. Since there is no way to prevent this exposure, it is recommended that a suspended partition be resumed before being migrated.
Valid values for this option are 1 if each suspended partition’s virtual storage devices are required to be protected, or 2 if each suspended partition’s virtual storage devices are not required to be protected. If this option is not specified, then this option defaults to the value 1. To migrate suspended partitions, you must specify a value of 2 and assume responsibility for ensuring the integrity of each suspended partition’s virtual storage devices.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--requirerr When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether each partition is required to be capable of simplified remote restart on the destination managed system. Valid values are 1 if each partition is required to be capable of simplified remote restart on the destination managed system, or 2 if each partition is not required to be capable of simplified remote restart on the destination managed system but should be if possible. If this option has a value of 1 and the simplified remote restart capability of a migrating partition cannot be enabled on the destination managed system, an error will occur and the operation will fail for that partition. If this option has a value of 2 and the simplified remote restart capability of a migrating partition cannot be enabled on the destination managed system, the operation will not fail for that partition, even if that partition was capable of simplified remote restart on the source managed system. If this option is not specified, each partition’s simplified remote restart capability on the source managed system will be maintained on the destination managed system. If that is not possible for a partition, an error will occur and the operation will fail for that partition.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--redundantvnicbkdev When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether the management console is required to maintain the backing device redundancy of each partition’s virtual NICs on the destination managed system. Valid values are 1 if the management console is required to maintain the virtual NIC backing device redundancy, or 2 if the management console is not required to maintain the virtual NIC backing device redundancy, but should do so if possible. If this option is not specified, then this option defaults to the value 1. If this option has a value of 1, the management console must be able to map every virtual NIC backing device to a virtual NIC backing device on the destination managed system. In addition, the management console must be able to maintain the VIOS redundancy the backing devices for a virtual NIC provide. For example, if two backing devices for a virtual NIC are hosted by two different VIOSs on the source managed system, then the backing devices for that virtual NIC must be hosted by two different VIOSs on the destination managed system. If the management console is not able to do this for all of a partition’s virtual NICs, an error will occur and the operation will fail for that partition.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--vniccfg When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether the management console is required to maintain the configuration of each partition’s virtual NICs on the destination managed system. Valid values are 1 if the management console is required to maintain the virtual NIC configuration, or 2 if the management console is not required to maintain the virtual NIC configuration, but should do so if possible. If this option is not specified, then this option defaults to the value 1. Specifying a value of 2 for this option will allow the validation or migration operation to succeed even if the management console is not able to maintain each virtual NIC’s allowed VLAN IDs and maximum capacity configuration on the destination managed system.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--redundantmsps When validating or migrating active partitions, use this option to specify whether redundant MSPs are to be used. Valid values are 0 if redundant MSPs are not to be used, 1 if redundant MSPs are required to be used, or 2 if redundant MSPs are to be used if possible. If this option is not specified, it defaults to 2. This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--affinity When migrating a single partition, use this option to specify that the affinity score of the partition is required to be maintained on the destination managed system. If the affinity score cannot be maintained, an error will occur and the partition migration will fail. If this option is not specified, the affinity score of the partition is not required to be maintained on the destination managed system.
This option is only valid when migrating a single partition. This option is not valid when performing a validation operation or any other operation.
--usecurrdata Use this option to allow partitions to be migrated when Virtual I/O Servers that are hosting their virtual SCSI or virtual fibre channel adapters are shutdown and the storage adapter data that has been previously collected for the partitions is stale. The partitions will be migrated using the stale data. This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--migsriov When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether the management console is required to recreate each partition’s migratable SR-IOV logical ports on the destination managed system. Valid values are 1 if the management console is required to recreate the migratable SR-IOV logical ports, or 2 if the management console is not required to recreate the migratable SR-IOV logical ports, but should do so if possible. If this option is not specified, then this option defaults to the value 1. If this option has a value of 1 and the management console cannot guarantee that a partition’s migratable SR-IOV logical ports can be recreated on the destination managed system, then an error will occur and the operation will fail for that partition.
This option is only valid when validating or migrating partitions. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
-f The name of the file containing the input data for this command. The input data consists of attribute name/value pairs, which are in comma separated value (CSV) format. The format of the input data is as follows:
Note that certain attributes accept a comma separated list of values, as follows:
attribute-name=value,value,... ,...
When a list of values is specified, the attribute name/value pair must be enclosed in double quotes. Depending on the shell being used, nested double quote characters may need to be preceded by an escape character, which is usually a ’#146; character.
Attributes that can be specified when validating or migrating a single partition:
The partition ID to use on the destination managed
Comma separated list of virtual fibre channel adapter
mappings, with each mapping having the following
[/[vios-virtual-slot-number][/[vios-fc-port-name]]]The first 2 ’/’ characters must be present. The
third ’/’ character is optional, but it must be
present if vios-virtual-slot-number or vios-fc-port-
name is specified. The last ’/’ character is
optional, but it must be present if vios-fc-port-name
is specified.Optional values may be omitted. Optional values are
vios-lpar-name or vios-lpar-ID (one of those
values is required, but not both), vios-virtual-slot-
number, and vios-fc-port-name.For example:
4//1/14/fcs0 specifies a mapping of the virtual fibre
channel client adapter with slot number 4 to the
virtual fibre channel server adapter with slot number
14 in the VIOS partition with ID 1 on the
destination managed system. In addition, the mapping
specifies to use physical fibre channel port fcs0.
Comma separated list of virtual SCSI adapter mappings,
with each mapping having the following format:virtual-slot-number/vios-lpar-name/vios-lpar-ID
[/vios-virtual-slot-number]The first 2 ’/’ characters must be present. The
last ’/’ character is optional, but it must be
present if vios-virtual-slot-number is specified.
Optional values may be omitted. Optional values are
vios-lpar-name or vios-lpar-ID (one of those
values is required, but not both), and
vios-virtual-slot-number.For example:
12/vios1//16 specifies a mapping of the virtual SCSI
client adapter with slot number 12 to the virtual SCSI
server adapter with slot number 16 in the VIOS
partition vios1 on the destination managed system.
Comma separated list of virtual NIC mappings, with
each mapping having the following format:virtual-slot-number/ded/[vios-lpar-name]/
[max-capacity]]]The first 6 ’/’ characters must be present. The
next 2 ’/’ characters are optional, but both
must be present if source-sriov-adapter-ID,
source-sriov-physical-port-ID, or max-capacity
is specified. The last ’/’ character is optional,
but must be present if max-capacity is specified.Optional values may be omitted. Optional values are
vios-lpar-name or vios-lpar-ID (one of those values
is required, but not both), sriov-adapter-ID and
sriov-physical-port-ID (if one of those values is
specified they both must be specified), capacity, and
max-capacity. In addition, if the virtual NIC has
only one backing device, source-sriov-adapter-ID and
source-sriov-physical-port-ID are also optional.For example:
5/ded/vios1//1/2/4.5/1/0 specifies a mapping of the
backing device on physical port 0 of SR-IOV adapter
1 for the virtual NIC in slot number 5 to a
virtual NIC on the destination managed system with a
backing device hosted by VIOS partition vios1. In
addition, the mapping specifies to use physical port
2 of SR-IOV adapter 1 and a logical port capacity
of 4.5% for the backing device.
Comma separated list of virtual switch mappings, with
each mapping having the following format:vlan-ID/source-vswitch-name/dest-vswitch-name
For example:
6/srcSwitch/dstSwitch specifies a mapping of VLAN
ID 6 on virtual switch srcSwitch to the virtual
switch dstSwitch on the destination managed system.
shared_proc_pool_name | shared_proc_pool_id
primary_rs_vios_name | primary_rs_vios_id
primary_paging_vios_name | primary_paging_vios_id
These attributes are deprecated. Use the
primary_rs_vios_name | primary_rs_vios_id
attributes instead.
Valid values are 1 - 5 and 1r - 5r. Specify a
value of 1r - 5r if the concurrency level is
required and the migration operation should fail if
the resources required for the concurrency level are
not available.
Valid values are:
prof - use the last activated profile for the
partition when validating or migrating an
inactive partition
config - use the current configuration of the
partition when validating or migrating an
inactive partition
Memory and processor affinity group in which the
partition will participate on the destination managed
system. Valid values are none and 1 - 255.Attributes that can be specified when validating or migrating one or more partitions if the --all option is not specified. When the --all option is specified, only the source_msps, dest_msps, and redundant_msps attributes are allowed. For each of the following attributes, lpar-name and lpar-ID is the name or ID of the migrating partition. If the -p option is used to specify the migrating partitions, then lpar-name is required and lpar-ID can be omitted. If the --id option is used to specify the migrating partitions, then lpar-ID is required and lpar-name can be omitted:
Comma separated list of partition IDs to use on the
destination managed system. The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/dest-lpar-ID
For example:
lp16//16 specifies that migrating partition lp16 is to
use partition ID 16 on the destination managed system.
Comma separated list of virtual fibre channel adapter
mappings, with each mapping having the following
[vios-fc-port-name]]See the virtual_fc_mappings attribute format for more
Comma separated list of virtual SCSI adapter mappings,
with each mapping having the following format:lpar-name/lpar-ID/virtual-slot-number/vios-lpar-name/
vios-lpar-ID/[vios-virtual-slot-number]See the virtual_scsi_mappings attribute format for
more information.
Comma separated list of virtual NIC mappings, with
each mapping having the following format:lpar-name/lpar-ID/virtual-slot-number/ded/
[max-capacity]]]See the vnic_mappings attribute format for more
Comma separated list of virtual switch mappings, with
each mapping having the following format:lpar-name/lpar-ID/vlan-ID/source-vswitch-name/
dest-vswitch-nameSee the vswitch_mappings attribute format for more
Comma separated list of the names of the shared
processor pools to use on the destination managed
system. The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/shared-proc-pool-name
For example:
lp3//sp6 specifies that the migrating partition lp3
is to use shared processor pool sp6 on the destination
managed system.
Comma separated list of the IDs of the shared
processor pools to use on the destination managed
system. The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/shared-proc-pool-ID
For example:
/3/6 specifies that the migrating partition with ID 3
is to use the shared processor pool with ID 6 on the
destination managed system.
Comma separated list of the names of the VIOS
partitions to use on the destination managed system
as the primary VIOS partitions for accessing the
reserved storage devices of the migrating partitions.
The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/vios-lpar-name
Comma separated list of the IDs of the VIOS
partitions to use on the destination managed system
as the primary VIOS partitions for accessing the
reserved storage devices of the migrating partitions.
The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/vios-lpar-ID
Comma separated list of names of the partition
profiles to create for the migrating partitions
on the destination managed system. The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/profile-name
For example:
lpar1//migprof specifies to create the partition
profile migprof for migrating partition lpar1
on the destination managed system.
Comma separated list of the concurrency levels to use.
The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/concurr-migration-perf-level
See the concurr_migration_perf_level attribute for
more information.
Comma separated list of the profile policies to use
for inactive partitions. The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/inactive-prof-policy
See the inactive_prof_policy attribute for more
Comma separated list of the affinity group IDs to use.
The format is:lpar-name/lpar-ID/affinity-group-ID
See the affinity_group_id attribute for more
Comma separated list of source MSPs to use for the
operation. The format is:MSP-name/MSP-ID/[MSP-IP-address]
Both ’/’ characters must be present, but optional
values may be omitted. Optional values are MSP-name
or MSP-ID (one of those values is required, but not
both), and MSP-IP-address.If redundant MSPs are to be used, you can either use
this attribute to specify the source MSPs to use, or
use the redundant_msps attribute. The source_msps
attribute and redundant_msps attribute are mutually
exclusive.For example:
msp1// specifies to use IP address on
source MSP msp1 for the operation.
Comma separated list of destination MSPs to use for
the operation. The format is:MSP-name/MSP-ID/[MSP-IP-address]
Both ’/’ characters must be present, but optional
values may be omitted. Optional values are MSP-name
or MSP-ID (one of those values is required, but not
both), and MSP-IP-address.If redundant MSPs are to be used, you can either use
this attribute to specify the destination MSPs to use,
or use the redundant_msps attribute. The dest_msps
attribute and redundant_msps attribute are mutually
exclusive.For example:
msp1// specifies to use any IP address on destination
MSP msp1 for the operation.
Comma separated list of redundant MSP pairs to use for
the operation. The format is:group-ID/[source-MSP-name]/[source-MSP-ID]/
[dest-MSP-ID]/[dest-MSP-IP-address]All 6 ’/’ characters must be present, but optional
values may be omitted. Optional values are
source-MSP-name and source-MSP-ID (one of those values
is required, but not both), source-MSP-IP-address,
dest-MSP-name and dest-MSP-ID (one of those values
is required, but not both), and dest-MSP-IP-address.The group-ID can be any integer, and is used to
identify the 2 MSP pairs that are redundant with
each other.If redundant MSPs are to be used, you can either use
this attribute to specify the source and destination
MSPs to use, or use the source_msps and dest_msps
attributes. The redundant_msps attribute and the
source_msps and dest_msps attributes are
mutually exclusive.For example:
specifies that MSP pair src-vios1 on the source
managed system and dest-vios1 on the destination
managed system and MSP pair src-vios2 on the source
managed system and dest-vios2 on the destination
managed system are to be used as a redundant MSP pair.Attributes that can be specified for a system set operation:
Sets the default profile policy to use when
validating or migrating inactive partitions when
the system is the source managed system for the
operation. You can override this value for a
partition by specifying it on the validation or
migration operation.
Valid values are:
prof - use the last activated profile for
partitions when validating or migrating
inactive partitions
config - use the current configuration of
partitions when validating or migrating
inactive partitions
Valid values are:
0 - disable virtual SCSI and virtual fibre channel
adapter data collection for all AIX, Linux,
and IBM i partitions in the managed system.
1 - enable virtual SCSI and virtual fibre channel
adapter data collection for all AIX, Linux,
and IBM i partitions in the managed system.
The data is collected from the VIOS partitions
hosting the client adapters to allow the
partitions to be migrated when VIOS partitions
on the source managed system are shutdown.Attributes that can be specified for an MSP set operation:
Sets the default concurrency level to use on the
MSP. You can override this value for a partition
validation or migration operation by specifying it
on the operation.
Valid values are 1 - 5Input data for this command can be specified with this option or the -i option. The -f and the -i options are mutually exclusive.
Input data can be specified when migrating partitions, validating partition migrations, or performing a set operation. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
-i This option allows you to enter input data on the command line, instead of using a file. Data entered on the command line must follow the same format as data in a file, and must be enclosed in double quotes. Input data for this command can be specified with this option or the -f option. The -i and the -f options are mutually exclusive.
Input data can be specified when migrating partitions, validating partition migrations, or performing a set operation. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
-r The type of resource for which to set attributes related to partition migration operations. Valid values are sys for managed system, and lpar for mover service partition. -w The maximum time, in minutes, to wait for operating system commands issued by the management console to the partitions to be migrated to complete. If an operating system command does not complete within the time specified, the partition migration operation for that partition will be stopped. wait-time must be a whole number. If wait-time is 0, the partition migration operation will not be timed out.
If this option is not specified, a default value of 3 minutes is used.
This option is valid when migrating partitions or validating partition migrations. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
-d The level of detail requested from operating system commands issued by the management console to all partitions participating in migrations. Valid values are 1 (lowest) through 5 (highest). If this option is not specified, a default value of 1 is used.
This option is valid when migrating partitions or validating partition migrations. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
--force This option allows you to force a recover operation to proceed when errors are encountered. This option is only valid when recovering from a failed partition migration.
--steps When validating or migrating partitions, use this option to specify whether to display the steps that are completed during the operation if the operation fails. Note that the steps are displayed after the operation has finished. Valid values are 0 to display no step information, 1 to display all step information, and 2 to display only failed step information. If this option is not specified it defaults to 0. This option is valid when migrating partitions or validating partition migrations. This option is not valid when performing any other operation.
-v Specify this option to enable verbose mode for the partition migration operation. When verbose mode is enabled, detail messages and warning messages are displayed for successful partition migrations. Detail messages and warning messages are displayed for partition migrations that fail, regardless of whether this option is specified. When the --nodetails option is also specified, no detail messages are displayed.
--nodetails Specify this option to suppress the display of all detail messages. --help Display the help text for this command and exit.
This command has the following return codes:Any other value means the command failed.
0 Success 100 Partial success When an operation is performed for multiple partitions, this value is returned when the operation for at least one partition succeeds, and the operation for at least one partition fails.
In the following examples nested double quote characters are preceded by an escape character (’#146;). The escape characters are required to run the commands locally on an HMC.Validate the operation to migrate partition mylpar from managed system system1 to managed system system2:
migrlpar -o v -m system1 -t system2 -p mylpar
-i "\"virtual_scsi_mappings=12/vios1/,13/vios2/\",dest_msp_name=vios1,
source_msp_name=vios"Validate the operation to migrate the partitions with IDs 3, 6, and 7 from managed system system1 to managed system system2:
migrlpar -o v -m system1 -t system2 --id 3,6,7
-i "\"multiple_virtual_scsi_mappings=/3/12/vios1//32,/3/13/vios2//33,
/7/12/vios1//72\",source_msps=vios1//,dest_msps=vios1//"Migrate the partition with ID 5 from managed system system1 to managed system system2:
migrlpar -o m -m system1 -t system2 --id 5 -n migprof
-i "virtual_fc_mappings=5//1/18/fcs0,dest_msp_id=1,source_msp_id=3"Migrate the partition smp from managed system system1 to managed system system2, configure the partition to use redundant paging VIOS partitions on system2, and use vios1 as the primary paging VIOS for the partition:
migrlpar -o m -m system1 -t system2 -p smp --redundantvios 1
-i "primary_rs_vios_name=vios1"Migrate the partition lp1 from managed system system1 to managed system system2, require redundant MSPs to be used, and use the specified source MSPs and destination MSPs:
migrlpar -o m -m system1 -t system2 -p lp1 --redundantmsps 1
-i "\"source_msps=vios1//,vios2//\",\"dest_msps=
vios1//,vios2//\""Migrate the partition lp1 from managed system system1 to managed system system2, require redundant MSPs to be used, and use the specified redundant MSP pairs:
migrlpar -o m -m system1 -t system2 -p lp1 --redundantmsps 1
-i "\"redundant_msps=1/srcvios1//,
1/srcvios2//\""Migrate the partitions lp4 and lp5 from managed system system1 to managed system system2:
migrlpar -o m -m system1 -t system2 -p lp4,lp5 --mpio 2
-i "\"multiple_dest_lpar_ids=lp4//21,lp5//22\",
multiple_shared_proc_pool_names=lp5//sp1"Migrate all AIX, Linux, and IBM i partitions from managed system m11 to managed system m13:
migrlpar -o m -m m11 -t m13 --all -i
\"dest_msps=m13-vios1//,m13-vios2//\""Stop the partition migration that is just starting for partition mylpar:
migrlpar -o s -m system1 -p mylpar
Recover the failed partition migration of partition mylpar:
migrlpar -o r -m system1 -p mylpar
Migrate the partition aix1 from managed system system1 to managed system system2, when system2 is managed by the HMC with the host name hmc2:
mkauthkeys --ip hmc2 -u hmc2user
migrlpar -o m -m system1 -t system2 -p aix1 --ip hmc2 -u hmc2user
Set the inactive profile migration policy for all systems currently managed by this HMC:
migrlpar -o set -r sys -i "inactive_prof_policy=prof"
Set partition migration attributes for MSP vios2:
migrlpar -o set -r lpar -m sys1 -p vios2
-i "num_active_migrations_configured=10,
IBM Austin
lslparmigr, mkauthkeys
Linux | MIGRLPAR (1) | November 2019 |