Configuring the 7063-CR2 HMC
Learn how to install and configure the Hardware Management Console (HMC).
Check the HMC version that is shipped with your HMC. To find out how to view the HMC machine code version and release, see Check the HMC version that is shipped with your HMC. You can download the latest HMC version that is available from the Fix Central website. Use removable media (such as a DVD or USB) to create a bootable ISO file from the HMC package (ISO image).
Console or Interface | Default ID | Default Password | Description |
BMC (OpenBMC) | root | 0penBmc | The root user ID and password are used to log in to the BMC for the first time. |
HMC | hscroot | abc123 | The hscroot user ID and password are used to log in to the HMC for the first time. They are case-sensitive and can only be used by a member of the super administrator role. |
HMC | root | passw0rd | The root user ID and password are used by the service provider to perform maintenance procedures. They cannot be used to log in to the HMC. |
Installing the HMC by using USB flash drive
To install the HMC by using USB flash drive, complete the following steps for Linux® systems:
- Download the HMC version that you want from the Fix Central website.
- Run the following command to identify the device name of the USB drive when it is plugged in:
For example: /dev/sdb (where sdb is the name of the USB drive)
- Run the following command to wipe the USB drive: wipefs --all /dev/sdX.
For example: wipefs --all /dev/sdb
- Run the following command to verify the size of the disk under the SIZE column:
For example: When a 16 GB USB drive shows as 14.3 GB, round it down to 14 GB for the next step 5.
Run the following command to format the disk and create a partition: parted /dev/sdX
From the parted utility, run the following three commands:mklabel gpt
mkpart primary ext3 1MiB <size>GiB
Note: size is the size of the USB drive obtained in the step 4.For example:parted /dev/sdb
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary ext3 1MiB 14GiB
- Run the following command to copy the ISO onto the partition: cat
HMC-Recovery-ppc64le.iso > /dev/sdX1.
For example: cat HMC-9.2.950.0-2103300827-ppc64le.iso > /dev/sdb1
- Insert the USB drive, and power on the system.Note: The USB drive must be at least 8 GB. Certain USB drives might be too wide to fit properly into the USB port at the rear of the system. Test the fit of your USB drive before you proceed.
- If viewing the HMC console via the BMC UI (under Server control) instead of the local console, the KVM console loads with Petitboot. The pre-Petitboot output can only be seen in the Serial over LAN console.
- When the Petitboot menu is displayed, select the Install Hardware Management Console option that is located under USB.
Installing the HMC by using virtual media from the BMC
To install the HMC by using virtual media from the BMC, complete the following steps:
- Open a supported web browser. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the BMC that you want to connect to. For example, you can use the format https://<BMC IP> in the address bar of the web browser.
- From the OpenBMC logon window, enter the Host
address of the BMC and the Username and Password that
is assigned to you.Note: The default user ID is
and the default password is0penBmc
.If you are using firmware level OP940.01, or later, the root password is expired by default. You must change the default password before you can access the BMC. For more information about changing the expired default password, see Setting the password.
If you forgot your password, you can perform a factory reset of the system to restore the default password. To reset the system, see Performing a factory reset.
- Click Log in.
- Select Server control.
- Select Virtual Media.
- Click Choose file.
- Locate the HMC Recovery media ISO and click Open.
- Click Start.
- Power on the system.
- If viewing the HMC console via the BMC UI (under Server control) instead of the local console, the KVM console loads with Petitboot. The pre-Petitboot output can only be seen in the Serial over LAN console.
- When the Petitboot menu is displayed, select the Install Hardware Management Console option that is located under USB.
Installing the HMC by using an external USB attached DVD drive
To install the HMC by using an external USB attached DVD drive, complete the following steps:
- Download the HMC recovery version that you want from the Fix Central website.
- Burn the HMC recovery DVD image to a DVD-R DL media as an image.
- Power off the HMC.
- Connect the external USB DVD drive to the HMC and insert the HMC recovery DVD.Note: You might need to connect the USB DVD drive to an external power source or use a USB Y cable to connect to an extra USB port to provide sufficient power to the DVD drive.
- Power on the HMC.Note: The display monitor might show no signal during startup. The process might take 2 or 3 minutes before the display monitor shows any status.
- When the Petitboot bootloader starts, navigate to stop the automatic boot.Note: A 10-second timeout is enforced. If no action is taken within 10 seconds, the system attempts to boot from the hard disk drive.
- Wait until the CD/DVD device appears in the Petitboot menu. Note: This process can take up to a minute.
- If viewing the HMC console via the BMC UI (under Server control) instead of the local console, the KVM console loads with Petitboot. The pre-Petitboot output can only be seen in the Serial over LAN console.
- Select the Install Hardware Management Console option that is located under CD/DVD.