Adding SR-IOV logical ports
You can add single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) logical ports to a partition by using the Hardware Management Console (HMC).
Before you begin
About this task
- In the navigation pane, click Resources.
- Click All Systems. The All Systems page is displayed.
- In the work pane, select the partition for which you want to view or change the properties and capabilities and click Actions > View Partition Properties. The Properties page is displayed. You can view and change the properties that are listed under the Properties area.
- In the Properties pane, click Virtual I/O > Hardware Virtualized I/O. The Hardware Virtualized I/O page opens.
- On the SR-IOV tab, click Add Port. The Add SR-IOV Logical Port page opens.
- In the Add SR-IOV Logical Port page, select Ethernet or RoCE from the Select Logical Port Type option button.
- Click Select an SR-IOV physical port. The Physical Ports page is displayed.
- In the Physical Ports page, select a physical port from the list of available physical ports, and click OK.
In the Logical port capacity field, enter the capacity value in
percentage for the logical port.
Note: The sum of percentage of capacity values for all the configured logical ports on a physical port must be less than or equal to 100%. To minimize the configuration effort when you add more logical ports, you can reserve some capacity for the additional logical ports.
- Expand Advanced settings to view the advanced setting options for the SR-IOV adapter.
Select the Promiscuous Mode check
box, if you want to enable the settings for the SR-IOV port. These
settings are disabled by default. Note: You must select the Promiscuous Mode checkbox, if you want to virtualize the logical port even further, such as, if you want to use the logical port as the network adapter for shared Ethernet adapter (SEA).
Select the Migratable check box to configure SR-IOV logical ports in a
client partition and to mark the SR-IOV logical port as migratable by creating a new backup device,
which can either be a virtual Ethernet adapter or a virtual NIC adapter.
Select the Configure a new back backup device option to configure a new
backup device. By default, this setting is enabled.
- Select Virtual Ethernet Adapter or Virtual NIC Adapter from the Backup Device Type option. By default, the Virtual NIC Adapter option is enabled.
- Click Configure backup device. The Configure Virtual NIC
Backing Device page is displayed.
- In the Physical Port Location Code tab, select a physical port that you want as a backup port for the migratable logical port from the list.
- In the Hosting Partition tab, select a hosting VIOS from the hosting partition list.
- In the Capacity tab, select the appropriate capacity from the capacity list.
- Click OK to apply the changes. Alternatively, click Cancel to reject the changes and to close the window.
- Optional: If you have selected Virtual Ethernet Adapter from the
Backup Device Type option, the Attach Virtual Network
page is displayed.
- Select a virtual network that you want as a backup network for the migratable logical port from the list of available virtual networks.
- Click OK to apply the changes. Alternatively, click Cancel to reject the changes and to close the window.
Note: When the HMC is at Version 9.1.940.x, and when the firmware is at level FW940, the Migratable option for the Hybrid Network Virtualization capability is available as a Technology Preview only and is not intended for production deployments. However, when the HMC is at Version 9.1.941.0, or later, and when the firmware is at level FW940.10, or later, the Migratable option for the Hybrid Network Virtualization capability is supported. -
Select the Configure a new back backup device option to configure a new
backup device. By default, this setting is enabled.
- From the OS MAC Address Restrictions list, select an option for the OS MAC address restrictions.
- From the VLAN ID Restrictions list, select an option for the OS VLAN ID restrictions.
In the Port VLAN ID field, enter a value. The valid range is 2 -
Note: The default value of Port VLAN ID is 0. If you enter a non-zero value in the Port VLAN ID field, the 802.1Q Priority field becomes available.
- In the 802.1Q Priority field, enter any value from 0 - 7, where 0 indicates the lowest priority and 7 indicates the highest priority value.
- Click OK. The SR-IOV port is added to the partition.