Relative proportional data spreading method
Use the Relative Proportional Spread method to spread values to the leaves of a consolidation cell proportional to the leaves of a reference cell.
The following example demonstrates relative proportional spreading where both the initial cell and the reference cell are in the same cube.
The reference cell can be located in the cube from which you initiate spreading or in a separate cube. However, the reference cell must share the same consolidations as the cell from which you initiate spreading.
The previous view shows a single consolidated value of 100 in the cell identified by 1 Quarter, Brazil. By looking at the leaves of 1 Quarter, you can see that:
- Jan contains the value 10, which is 10% of 100
- Feb contains the value 20, which is 20% of 100
- Mar contains the value 70, which is 70% of 100
If you initiate relative proportional spreading from 1 Quarter, Argentina and specify a Data Action of Replace when spreading the value 400, the leaves of 1 Quarter, Argentina are populated as proportional to the leaves of 1 Quarter, Brazil:
- Jan contains the value 40, which is 10% of 400
- Feb contains the value 80, which is 20% of 400
- Mar contains the value 280, which is 70% of 400