Settings in the CognosOfficeReportingSettings.xml file
You can configure IBM® Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel by using the CognosOfficeReportingSettings.xml file. This file is located in C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Cognos\Office/ Connection.
- Settings that apply to all supported datasources
- Settings that apply only when you are using a IBM Cognos® Analytics datasource
- Settings that apply only when you are using a TM1® datasource
Settings that apply to all supported datasources
Name | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
CommitWithoutConfirmation | Commits valid data without prompting you to confirm the commit. You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Hide commit confirmation option in the Options dialog box. Or you can use the Hide commit confirmation option in the Commit Changes dialog box. |
True, False | False |
ContextMemberLimit | Sets the number of members to display in the drop-down list for dimensions in the context area of Exploration Views. Click More to see more members. | Integer | 15 |
ConvertDropDown | Sets the default conversion option displayed on the explorations toolbar (used for converting to another report type). | Quick Reports: MapOnNewSheet, MapOnThisSheet, MapAtSpecifiedLocation Formulas: FormulasOnNewSheet, FormulasOnThisSheet, FormulasAtSpecifiedLocation None |
MapOnNewSheet |
CustomStartingRange | Prompts you for a starting cell when you create explorations. You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Assign Exploration View or list starting cell option in the Options dialog box. |
True, False | False |
DataRowLimit | Specifies the number of rows to retrieve from the server and display in explorations, 0 = no
limit. You can also set this by using the Data display row limit option in the Options dialog box. Note: This is a global setting for all explorations in a workbook. You
can override this setting in the Properties dialog box for Exploration Views and lists.
Integer | 500 |
DefaultRefreshMode | Sets the default refresh button displayed on the explorations toolbar. For example, if you set DefaultRefreshMode= PreviewOnly, the Preview with No Data button is displayed on the explorations toolbar. |
None RunAllData: Refresh data and formatting RunAllDataWithout Formatting: Refresh data only PreviewOnly: Preview without data |
None |
ExplorationDesignModeOn | Manages the refresh behavior of Exploration Views. | True, False | False |
ExplorationOverride DoubleClick | Overrides the double-click action in explorations. | True, False | True |
ExplorationThresholdContextUnnamedSetSize |
Defines the maximum number of members in unnamed and static sets that will be shown when a view is added to an exploration. Defines the size limit for unnamed sets when a view is added to an Exploration. |
Integer | 1000 |
ESAsyncNumRetries | Refers to the amount of times the evaluation service is prompted to give asynchronous results. | Integer | 1200 |
ESAsyncRetryInterval | Defines the interval at which each retry (defined in the ESAsyncNumRetries parameter) occurs. | Integer | 500 |
GroupingOption | Sets the way in which cells are grouped when you nest dimensions. You can also set the grouping option by using the Grouping option in the Options dialog box. Note: This is a global setting for all explorations in a workbook. You can override this
setting in the Properties dialog box for Exploration Views and lists.
None Sparse: Labels the top cell only Normalized: Repeats labels Full: Merges cells |
Full |
InsertDetails | Sets the default insert mode displayed on the explorations toolbar. For example, if you set InsertDetails= InsertSingleMember, the Insert Single Member button is displayed on the explorations toolbar. |
None InsertSingleMember InsertMemberWithChildren InsertMemberWithChildren Dynamic InsertMemberWith Descendants InsertMemberWithInputs InsertMemberWithAncestors |
InsertSingle Member |
MemberLimit | Sets the maximum number of child members to show in the source tree. You can also set this option by using the Member display count limit option in the Options dialog box. |
Integer | 1000 |
MruPackage | Contains information about the most recently used datasource. | ||
MruServer | Contains information about the most recently used Cognos system. | ||
RefreshConfirmation | Displays a confirmation dialog box when you refresh a workbook or worksheet. You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Hide refresh confirmation for each worksheet and workbook option in the Options dialog box. |
True, False | True |
RefreshDropDown | Stores the refresh mode most recently used on the explorations toolbar. | None RunAllData: Refresh and apply server formatting RunAllDataWithout Formatting: Refresh and apply Excel formatting PreviewOnly: Preview without data |
RunAllData |
ShowServerInExploration | Displays an information area above explorations. The information area displays details such
as the server, row dimensions, column dimension, and so on. You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Show system and package information in the Exploration View and list sheet option in the Options dialog box. |
True, False | True |
UndoStackLimit | Defines the limit on the number of undo actions a user can perform in an Exploration View. | Integer | 15 |
UseMruPackage | Loads the most recently used datasource at startup. You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Load most recently used system and package option in the Options dialog box. |
True, False | False |
Settings that apply only to reports that use IBM Cognos Analytics datasources
Name | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
ChunkSize | Sets the IBM Cognos Analytics chunk size (row count per request). | Integer | 0 |
EnableBIToggle | For explorations using IBM
Cognos Analytics datasources,
enables the Toggle_set expression instead of adding all child members. |
True, False | False |
ExpandMemberLimit | Sets the maximum number of members to display when you expand an item. You can also set this option by using the Expand member limit option in the Options dialog box. |
Integer | 4000 |
FormulaDefaultNumeric | For explorations, forces a zero to be returned when a value is empty in the result set. | True, False | False |
FormulaResolution Paused | Prevents formulas from triggering a call to the server. | True, False | False |
OverrideDoubleClick | Overrides the default double-click action in IBM
Cognos Analytics formulas. You can also set this option by using the Expand with double-click option in the Options dialog box. |
True, False | True |
RequestFormat | Specifies the format to use when loading IBM Cognos Analytics explorations. You can also set this option by using the Request format option in the Properties dialog box for Exploration Views. | CSV: Unformatted, removes data formatting from the model rawXML: Formatted |
rawXML |
Settings that apply only to reports that use IBM TM1 datasources
Name | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
ActionButtonBackupDir | Sets the default directory for backing up workbooks when upgrading action buttons. | Path | C:\Users\<User>\Desktop |
ActionButtonLogDir | Sets the default directory for saving the logs when upgrading action buttons. | Path | C:\Users\<User>\Desktop |
AllowContextSum | Enables you to select a sum of items for context dimensions in Exploration Views. In an Exploration View, click the drop-down for a dimension in the context area and click Sum. |
True, False | True |
AutoSpread ConsolidatedInput | Converts values entered in consolidated cells into proportional spread operations. | True, False | True |
BulkUploadAutoCommitValid | Commits values in valid intersections of a Quick Report automatically, without validating the values
first. You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Automatically commit valid intersections option in the Error Report dialog box. |
True, False | True |
cellSetMaxSize | Sets the upper bound limit on the size of cellset resolution attempts from a client. Client
operations exceeding the limit during processing are terminated and a
DataLimitExceededException error level log is produced. |
Positive signed Int32 | Zero (auto) |
DefaultExpandDirection | Sets the direction to expand when you double-click in an Exploration View or list. You can also change this setting by using the Expand Direction option in the Properties dialog box for Exploration Views and lists. |
EXPAND_ABOVE: Expands child members above their parent. EXPAND_BELOW: Expands child members below their parent. |
Expansions | Defines macros for data entry: k, m, q, or user-defined. These macros are applied to a value before it is committed to the TM1 server. | A JSON expression | {{"TM1": {"k":"1000", "m":"1000000", "q":".001"}}}} |
FlexviewDefaultIndentOn | Sets Quick Reports to indent by default. | True, False | True |
FlexViewDoubleClickAction | Defines the double-click action for Quick Reports. You can also set this option by using the Double-click action option in the Options dialog box. | None: This allows the normal Excel behavior to occur, which is to edit the
cell. ExpandAbove: Double clicking a consolidated member expands the children above their parent. ExpandBelow: Double clicking a consolidated member expands the children below their parent. Replace: Double clicking any member displays the set editor, which you can use to replace the member. |
None |
IncludeControlObjects | Displays the control cubes of a TM1 datasource in the Select Package dialog box. You can select a cube and use it to create reports. | True, False | False |
IncludeProcesses | Shows the processes in the metadata tree. | True, False | False |
MapAddedRowColumnStyle | Sets the style to apply when you extend a Quick Report by adding rows or columns. | NoStyle: No styles are applied to the extended values ServerStyle Apply server styles to the extended values LastRowColumnStyle: Apply the style of the previous row or column to the extended cells |
NoStyle |
MapHotRefreshEnabled | Enables the Use Type-in Refresh option for Quick Reports. You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Use Type-in Refresh option in the Properties dialog box for Quick Reports. |
True, False | False |
MapUseMergeAreas | Allows the user to use merged cells along the axes of Quick Reports. | True, False | False |
PreserveFormulas | Preserves user formulas in an exploration or Quick Report when you commit data. Attention: If this option is set to False, any formulas that you add to an Exploration View or Quick Report are discarded when you commit
You can also turn this feature on or off by using the Preserve user formulas option in the Options dialog box. |
True, False | True |
PromptUncommitted Changes | When you refresh, prompts you to confirm before uncommitted changes are lost. | True, False | True |
RefreshOnExcelHotkeys | Refreshes data on Excel recalculation keys (F9, Shift F9). User needs to restart Excel after change. | True, False | False |
RefreshOnWriteBack | Refreshes data on writeback. The user can define whether the data in the workbook or worksheet is refreshed. | None Workbook: Refreshes data in the workbook on writeback. Worksheet: Refreshes data in the worksheet on writeback. |
None |
SetEditorPreviewOn | Shows set members in the Selection pane (Hierarchy mode) of the Subset Editor instead of the
set definition (Definition mode). You can toggle the display in the Selection pane using the View Set Contents and View Set Definition buttons. |
True, False | True |
SetRebuildOptionOnSlice | Sets the TM1RebuildOption variable. This variable causes the worksheets in the book to be rebuilt on opening (which forces a recalculation to happen on each sheet in the book). | True, False | False |
UseGzipUpload | Enables Gzip compression for data uploaded to TM1. | True, False | True |