You can set properties for an Exploration View or a list that are specific to a worksheet.
About this task
The settings in the Properties dialog box are specific to a worksheet. For information about
setting global options, see Settings.
In addition to changing settings, the Properties dialog box enables you to view information about
the worksheet including server and package information, and the date the worksheet was created.
On the IBM Planning
Analytics tab, click
- To change the starting location of your Exploration View or list, type a new row number in the
Row start box and a new column number in the Column
start box.
If you are working with a TM1 Exploration View,
you can choose whether to process data in either CSV or raw XML format.
- To choose CSV format for faster processing of large data sets, in the Request
format drop-down box, click Unformatted Values.
- To choose raw XML format, in the Request format drop-down box, click
Formatted Values.
- If you are working with a IBM
Cognos® Analytics List, you can choose whether to process
data in either CSV or raw XML format.
- To choose CSV format for faster processing of large data sets, in the Request
format drop-down box, click Unformatted Values.
- To choose raw XML format, in the Request format drop-down box, click
Formatted Values.
- To control how labels appear in nested cells, set the Default grouping
Note: The Default grouping option controls how the Group / Ungroup feature
works. For Exploration Views, this is the automatic
setting for presentation of metadata in nested rows and columns. For lists, this determines how the
Group /Ungroup menu items and buttons work.These settings override the settings in the
Options dialog box and affect only the current worksheet. You can leave cells
ungrouped when you need to use Microsoft Excel lookup
functions or you can group cells to provide for greater readability. Changes to the
Grouping option will be reflected in the worksheet immediately, whereas
changes in the Options dialog box will only be reflected when a new Exploration View is created.
- To limit the number of rows displayed, set the Data Display Row
Limit property.
- After you are done setting options, click OK.