Verifying the configuration of IIS for Cognos Analytics 11.0
To configure TM1 CAM authentication using Cognos Analytics 11.0, you must verify your configuration of Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS).
You can use the CA_IIS_config.bat script found in the technical note Automate the configuration of Microsoft Internet Information Service to support IBM Cognos Analytics or manually complete the IIS configuration that is described in Configuring IIS in Cognos Analytics 11.0.4 and later versions.
Remember: Take note of the alias name set in the CA_IIS_config.bat
file before the script is run.
You should also verify the following items:
- The URLs in Cognos® Configuration for Cognos Analtyics 11 must use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
- The Gateway URL in Cognos Configuration for Cognos Analytics must be configured as
follows:<alias name>/bi/v1/disp
Where is the FQDN for the Cognos Analytics gateway server and <alias name> is the alias that was set in CA_IIS_config.bat before running the script.
- The .\<cognos analytics 11>\webcontent\default.htm and
.\<cognos analytics 11>\webcontent\index.html files must be verified. If
necessary, update the line that starts with
<meta http-equiv="refresh"
as follows:<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=/<alias name>/bi/">
Where <alias name> is the alias used in the CA_IIS_config.bat script file.