Universal Report static layout

A Universal Report static layout is a new and simplified report type for Universal Reports in IBM® Planning Analytics TM1® Web and IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.

A Universal Report static layout has features that allow for a simplified user experience. Certain use cases and workloads are easier to use in a static layout.

The behavior of this report is similar to IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel Quick Reports but offers these advantages:
  • You can modify the content of a Universal Report static layout can be done without the use of expressions. For instance, you can type over header names to refer to different elements or add labels for custom user rows or columns.
  • You can create spacer rows or columns in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel by right-clicking a row or column, and selecting insert.
  • You can create Universal Report static layout content using hierarchies.
  • You can insert user rows and columns and Excel formulas into the body of the report alongside your TM1 data.

Additionally, Universal Report static layout also has a less complex hidden parametrization area than a dynamic universal report.

Note: You can not drill in or out on rows or columns in a Universal Report static layout.