Insert a code snippet into a process

The process editor in Planning Analytics Workspace provides predefined code snippets for repetitive tasks that can be used with TurboIntegrator processes.

About this task

When running TurboIntegrator processes, users often repeat the same tasks, changing only the variable or object names. The code snippets simplify the repetitive tasks, making the process less error-prone.


  1. Open the process in the process editor.
  2. Click the Script tab.
  3. In the toolbar, click the snippet icon the process editor snippet icon.

    Click the category for the type of snippet you want to insert, such as Create, Iterators, Other, or Custom.

  4. Click the snippet you want to insert into the process. If you are inserting a Custom snippet, you must click Select after you click the snippet.

    For example, from the Iterators category, click the snippet Find leaf members in a hierarchy.

    Snippet user interface
  5. Specify values in the Variable and Value columns.

    As you specify values in these columns, the Preview is updated with your input.

  6. Click Insert.

    The code snippet is inserted in the line under the current position of the cursor.

  7. Save the process.