Track and report on plan progress with the plan Overview report
You can view a plan-level overview report to help you assess the progress of your plan.
The report appears on the Overview tab when you are viewing plan details.
The overview report consists of a progress bar and two panels: Timeline and All tasks and submissions progress. You can click the handle next to the panel name to drag a panel to a different location on the Overview report.
Progress bar
The progress bar displays the progress of plan. You can see the number of tasks that were completed and the number of tasks that have not yet started.
Timeline panel
The Timeline panel shows the status of tasks within a plan against a timeline, which can be configured to show either months or weeks.
If a task has only a start date or only an end date defined, the date is represented by a diamond on the timeline. Hover the pointer over the diamond to view the exact start or end date.
If a task has both a start date and an end date defined, a bar represents the date range on the timeline. Hover the pointer over the bar to view the start and end date of the task.
Any task that is not complete and overdue is identified by an urgent notice icon .
The Timeline panel includes advanced filtering. You can filter tasks by name, task status, and time period.
All tasks and submissions progress panel
The All tasks and submissions progress panel displays progress for all submissions and individual tasks in a plan.
Expand each task to see status details for the individual submissions in that task.
Hover the pointer over a task name in the Tasks column to view the task description.
You can sort on any table heading and also search for tasks by name. You can customize the All tasks and submissions progress panel by choosing the columns that you want to see and filtering by task status.