Filter items in the IBM task pane

You can choose to filter control objects, processes, or dimensions in the IBM® task pane.

About this task

Use the Show and hide Show and hide icon icon in the task pane to select the type of items that you want to filter in the tree view. You can add or remove filters for control objects, processes, or dimensions.

Note: Processes or dimensions with names beginning with the } character are treated as a control object. If your process or dimension name begins with the } character, it will be filtered by the Show control objects option.


  1. Open the task pane.
  2. Click the Show and hide Show and hide icon icon.
  3. Select the type of item that you want to filter.
    • Show control objects adds or removes a filter for control objects in the tree view.
    • Show AI jobs adds or removes a filter for AI jobs in the tree view.
    • Show processes adds or removes a filter for processes in the tree view.
    • Show dimensions adds or removes a filter for dimensions in the tree view.