The Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to set the scope of historical data, define a confidence interval, define where you want the forecast values to appear, and set data spreading options for writing forecast data into consolidated members. Some options on the Advanced tab are not applicable to multivariate forecasts, as noted in the option descriptions.
Some capabilities on this tab are disabled for analyst users, as described in the details.
The following options are available on the Advanced tab.
- Seasonality
- Not applicable to multivariate forecasts. If your model is highly seasonal, consider using a univariate forecast.
- Select scope of historical data used
This option is disabled for analysts, who cannot set the scope of historical data for a forecast. This capability is available only for administrators and modelers.
Select between the following two options:- Use historical data in TM1 cube
- Use historical data in the Exploration
In this example, the leave members of Period hierarchy start at Jan 2018 and goes on to Sept 2021. However, the exploration view starts at Jan 2019.
- Select confidence interval
- Not applicable to multivariate forecasts, which do not predict a range with high and low values.
- Adjust outliers
- When this option is turned on, all detected outliers are corrected before performing the forecast. You can preview the effect of this by selecting a row that contains an outlier and clicking the Preview button. See Previewing with detected outliers for further information on how Adjust outliers works.
- Ignore historical time periods
- Ignores a specified number of data points when building the model and computing the forecasts.
You can either ignore a set of data points at the end of a time series, or ignore individual data points in different places in a time series. The ignored data points are interpolated. A linear interpolation is used to populate the ignored values. Select the ignored periods in the nested Ignore time periods pane. You can select periods either as individual points or from a starting point onwards, until the start of the forecast.
- Spread forecast values
- Define the data spreading method you want to use to spread data from consolidated cells.
- Where do you want to save the predicted values
This option is disabled for analysts, who cannot specify where to save predicted values. This capability is available only for administrators and modelers.
This section lets you identify the dimension, hierarchy, and member where you would like to save your forecast values. For example, you would typically forecast from the ‘Actual’ member of the ‘Version’ dimension into the ‘Forecast’ member of the ‘Version’ dimension.
For univariate forecasts, you can also specify the members where you want to save upper-bound and lower-bound forecast values. If you want to save the upper-bound and lower-bound values for consolidations, select the Save upper and lower bound for consolidations option. These options are not available for multivariate forecasts, which do not generate upper-bound and lower-bound forecast values.