Determining authorized users on Planning Analytics Local

To examine users and groups in a Planning Analytics database, the you must have a Modeler role in Planning Analytics Workspace and Administrator role on the Planning Analytics database.

You can track authorized users in Planning Analytics Workspace by examining the members in the }Clients control dimension for a specific Planning Analytics database. The }Clients dimension provides a list of users on the Planning Analytics database. The list in the }Clients dimension doesn't tell you if a user is in compliance with their license type or what license type the user is intended to have. You must track that detail manually.

  1. Open a modeling workbench in Planning Analytics Workspace.
  2. On the Databases tree, expand the database where you want to review authorized users.
  3. Click Control objects > Dimensions.
  4. Right-click the }Clients control dimension, then click Edit dimension to review the members of the dimension.

Authorized users of Planning Analytics Local must have one of the following license entitlements:

  • IBM Planning Analytics Advanced
  • IBM Performance Management Advanced
  • IBM Planning Analytics Local Modeler
  • IBM Planning Analytics Local User
  • IBM Planning Analytics Local Explorer
  • IBM Performance Management User
  • IBM Cognos Enterprise Planning TM1 Explorer
  • IBM Planning Analytics Express Administrator
  • IBM Planning Analytics Express User
  • IBM Cognos Express User
  • IBM Planning Analytics Express TM1 User
  • IBM Cognos Express Performance Management User

Access to cubes, administration and modeling capabilities, and Planning Analytics Workspace varies by license entitlement.

Read cubes Write cubes Administration and Modeling Planning Analytics Workspace
IBM Planning Analytics Advanced Yes Yes Yes Yes
IBM Performance Management Advanced Yes Yes Yes Modeling Workbench and Planning Analytics Administration only. Add-on required for full access.
IBM Planning Analytics Local Modeler Yes Yes Yes Yes
IBM Planning Analytics Local User Yes Yes No Yes
IBM Planning Analytics Local Explorer Yes No No Yes
IBM Performance Management User Yes Yes No No. Add-on required.
IBM Cognos Enterprise Planning TM1 Explorer Yes No No No. Add-on required.
IBM Planning Analytics Express Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes
IBM Planning Analytics Express User Yes Yes No Yes
IBM Cognos Express User Yes Yes No No. Add-on required.
IBM Planning Analytics Express TM1 User Yes Yes No Yes
IBM Cognos Express Performance Management User Yes Yes No No. Add-on required.
  • Do not assign users without administrator access to any of the administrator roles in the Planning Analytics database.
  • • Do not allow users without a license type that permits write access to belong to a group in the Planning Analytics database that provides write access to any cubes.