Install Planning Analytics Workspace Local on Windows Server 2016

To install Planning Analytics Workspace Local version 2.0.44 or later directly on Windows Server 2016, run the ./Start.ps1 script.

About this task

In Planning Analytics Workspace Local version 2.0.44 or later, configuration parameters control whether validation checks are performed automatically when you install Planning Analytics Workspace Local on Windows Server 2016.

Note: If you are installing Planning Analytics Workspace Local version 2.0.78 or higher on Windows Server 2016, the prerequisites are slightly different.
Indicates whether to perform host validation and repair.
Set to "true" to validate until Start.ps1 is successful and then don't validate when Start.ps1 is run again. The default is "true".
Set to "always" to always validate.
Set to "false" to never validate.
Host validation runs as the first step of executing the Start.ps1 script. Successful validation is marked by writing the config/HostValidated file with the current time stamp. If $env:VALIDATE_HOST is true, validation is skipped if the confing/HostValidated file exists. If you are upgrading, validation is performed because that file is absent in the new kit.
Indicates whether to check for unsupported anti-virus software while validating the host. If anti-virus software is found, the validation process fails.
Set to "true" to check for anti-virus software. The default is "true".
Set to "false" to skip checks for anti-virus software.
Indicates how much free space is required (in GB) before you are notified that it might be insufficient.
Set to "0" to suppress warning messages.
Default is "50".
If free space is less than this value, the script warns you but continues to load images because it is difficult to know how much space is required for the images. This check is done outside of the main container host validation because it is related to image loading instead, and it is not controlled by the $env:VALIDATE_HOST setting.

The start script performs the following checks:

  1. Checks that you are running the Start.ps1 script as an administrator. If the PowerShell is not running elevated, the script does not run.
  2. Verifies the version of Windows Server 2016 is supported. Currently, only Windows Server 2016 LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) is supported.
  3. Checks for unsupported anti-virus software installed. If the script finds any unsupported software, it displays an error and exits. You must uninstall the anti-virus software and run the script again.
  4. Checks to make sure that the required modules, such as HostNetworkingService PowerShell, and features, such as Hyper-V PowerShell and Containers, are installed and configured correctly on the server. If it can, the script installs the required software or updates the configuration.
  5. Checks for an existing version of Docker and validates that it is a supported version. Verifies that the Docker service exists and is configured as Automatic (Delayed Start). If a Docker service doesn't exist, the script extracts the Docker .zip file that is bundled with Planning Analytics Workspace into the C:\Program Files directory. Then, it appends the folder to the system PATH environment variable and registers the Docker service.
    Important: If you are installing Planning Analytics Workspace Local version 2.0.78 or higher on Windows Server 2016, Docker is not bundled with the installation kit. The installation script looks for Docker and if an existing version is not found, displays an error. To resolve the error and continue the installation process, you need to download Mirantis Container Runtime.
  6. Checks that the Docker service is running, the docker.exe is on the PATH, and Docker is registered in the EventLog service. If the state of the service is not "Running", the script starts it. If it fails to start, the script displays an error and exits. If it is not on the PATH, it automatically adds it. If the service is not registered, it is repaired.
  7. Verifies permission to use the Docker daemon.
  8. Checks that docker-compose.exe is installed. If docker-compose.exe is not found on the PATH, the script copies it from the Planning Analytics Workspace installation location to C:\Program Files\docker\docker-compose.exe.
  9. Validates that Windows container settings are correct and updates any that are required.
  10. Checks that there are free ports available. Ensures that the defined Planning Analytics Workspace ports (80 and 443 by default) are free. If the pa-gateway container is running, these tests are not run.
  11. Checks that there is sufficient space to install the required software. First, it reads the currently configured Docker storage directory. Then, it fetches the free space on its drive and converts it to GB. It outputs the amount of free space on the drive. If the free space is less than $env:FREE_SPACE_REQUIRED_GB, a warning is displayed that indicates you might have insufficient space to load the images. A link is displayed where you can read how to switch the Docker Root Dir to another drive.
  12. Installs the Planning Analytics Workspace Docker images.
  13. Opens the Planning Analytics Workspace administration tool.

Any check that results in an unrepairable error causes the script to exit and the following message to be displayed:

Run Start.ps1 again to revalidate your system after resolving the identified issues.

Follow these steps to install Planning Analytics Workspace Local.


  1. Open a PowerShell terminal window, go to the directory where you extracted the installation kit, and type the following command:
  2. Install the software that the validation requires and then restart your server. After a restart, run ./Start.ps1 to continue the validation and installation.
    Note: The first time that you run the start script, it automatically installs the Docker images. The next time that you run the start script, you can skip installing or updating the Docker images and go straight into the administration tool.
  3. Reply y when you are asked whether you want to start the administration tool.
    The Planning Analytics Workspace administration tool opens in your browser.
    Note: Keep the command or terminal window open. Closing the window stops the administration tool.

What to do next

  • If there are any warnings or errors that can't be resolved, view container host validation errors in the log\validation.log file. View Windows event logs in the .log\docker_event_logs.csv file.
  • If the administration tool doesn't open, copy and paste the address shown in the command or terminal window into a browser window.
  • If you are using a Mongo database on a system that is running Planning Analytics Workspace on Windows Server 2016, you must add the shutdown.ps1 script to your Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) > PowerShell Scripts configuration. For more information, see Shut down MongoDB cleanly on Windows Server 2016.
  • If you have other issues when you connect to Planning Analytics Workspace, see How do I fix my Planning Analytics Workspace Local installation?