
SubsetExpandAboveSet sets the Expand Above property for a subset. The function returns 1 if successful, otherwise it returns 0.

When this property is set to TRUE, children of a consolidation are displayed above the consolidation when the consolidation displays on a row, and to the left of the consolidation when the consolidation displays on a column.

This function is valid in TM1® TurboIntegrator processes only.


SubsetExpandAboveSet( DimName, SubsetName, ExpandAboveFlag);



DimName The parent dimension of the subset for which you want to set the Expand Above property.
SubsetName The subset for which you want to set the Expand Above property.
ExpandAboveFlag Set ExpandAboveFlag to 1 to set the Expand Above property to TRUE. When this property is TRUE, consolidations expand above on rows and to the left on columns.

Set ExpandAboveFlag to 0 to set the Expand Above property to FALSE. When this property is FALSE, consolidations expand below on rows and to the right on columns.


SubsetExpandAboveSet('Region', 'Europe', 1 );

This example sets the Expand Above property to TRUE for the Europe subset of the Region dimension.