Run a baseline forecast

Administrators, modelers, and analysts with the appropriate permissions can run a baseline forecast at any time. Consumers cannot run baseline forecasts.


  1. Click the Data and Models tile on the Planning Analytics Workspace home page.
  2. Click the baseline forecast in the list of assets on the Data and Models page.
  3. Click Run on the baseline forecast page.
  4. The Forecast period start and Forecast period end values are set using the periods that were specified when the baseline forecast was created, but you can modify either of these values. Click either period value and select from any of the members available in your timeframe dimension.
  5. Click Run.

    A status notification message appears on the baseline forecast page when the forecast finishes running.

    Forecast status message

    If the forecast runs without errors, the status message is green. If there are error messages in one or more timeseries, the status message is yellow. If all the timeseries fail, the status message is red. You can click Details to view more information about the forecast execution.

    If you enabled the Save statistical details ... option on the baseline forecast summary, you can view the Error_Message column on the ForecastStatsCube to review the full error message for every failed timeseries.

    After the forecast is runs successfully, you can view the forecast values in the cube for which you created the baseline forecast.