Creating custom filters

In IBM® Cognos® Analysis for Microsoft Excel you can filter data so that only the data you require appears in the analysis. Specifically, you can add a filter expression using measures, attributes, fields, and calculations and using comparison and logical operators to compare them with a constant, a measure, an attribute, a field, or a cell reference, including a date.

If you are working with a dimensional data source, you can also use context filters. For more information, see Filtering values using context.

Note: You can apply a maximum of 32 filters when using Cognos Analytics data sources in Planning Analytics for Excel.


  1. In the drop zone, click the drop-down box of the item you want to filter and then click Filter > Edit/Add Filter.

    The Filter window appears. Based on your selection you are able to select or enter items for Item, Operator, or Value. Criteria for filters are not limited to the items shown on the report.

  2. Edit the filter expression and click OK.
  3. After you have created all the criteria for the custom filter, click OK.


After you close the filter window, all cells used in references are selected. This is useful if you want to format these cells to indicate their importance. The filter is applied to the applicable item. If you are working with the Preview with No Data option selected, the effects of the filter show when you run the data. The filter tag is displayed next to the item. In the drop-down box, on the Filter menu, Apply filter is selected.
Tip: To remove a filter, click the drop-down box of the filtered item, and then click Filter > Apply Filter to clear the check mark.