Sample tm1s.cfg file
This is a sample tm1s.cfg file.
Your tm1s.cfg file might also include comments that describe the parameters.
## Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
## IBM Cognos Products: TM1
## (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
## US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
## disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
# ServerLogging
# Generates a log with the security activity details on the TM1 server that are associated with Integrated Login. The log file, named Tm1server.log, is saved to the TM1 server data directory. The ServerLogging parameter is useful only if your TM1 server is configured to use Integrated Login.
# Type: Optional, Static
# Set ServerLogging to T in Tm1s.cfg. Note also that if ServerLogging=T is set, you must rename the TM1 server message logfile tm1server.log by editing the corresponding parameter in the logger configuration file file.
# Security package name
# If you configure the TM1 server to use Integrated Login, the SecurityPackageName parameter defines the security package that authenticates your user name and password in Windows.
# Type: Optional, Static
# Valid values are:
# * Kerberos (default) - Windows 2000 or later.
# * NTLM - Older Windows installations, such as Windows NT.
# Security mode
# Type: optional, static
# If IntegratedSecurityMode is set to 1. All clients must provide a database
# username and password. This is traditionally done through a login screen.
# If IntegratedSecurityMode is set to 2. The clients will have the choice
# to connect provide a database username and password or use the single-login
# mechanism for authentication.
# If IntegratedSecurityMode is set to 3. All clients must use the single-login
# mechanism for authentication.
# If IntegratedSecurityMode is set to 4. The server uses IBM Cognos 8 security authentication.
# If IntegratedSecurityMode is set to 5. The server uses IBM Cognos 8 security authentication and supports user groups from both TM1 and Cognos 8.
# If this is not set the parameter will be set to 1 by default.
# UseSSL
# Enables or disables SSL on the TM1 server.
# Type: Optional/Required to use SSL, Static
# Set UseSSL=T to enable SSL. With this setting, only TM1 9.1 and later clients will be able to securely connect to the server.
# Set UseSSL=F to disable SSL. With this setting, all TM1 clients, including older clients that do not support SSL, will be able to connect to the server in insecure mode.
# When UseSSL=T, you must set several other Tm1s.cfg parameters that manage SSL implementation. For details on these parameters, see Running TM1 in Secure Mode Using SSL.
# Default is UseSSL=T
# Server name to register with the Admin Server. If you do not supply this parameter, TM1 names the server Local and treats it as a local server.
# Type: Optional, Static
# Location of TM1 database
# Type: Required, static
# Specifies the data directory from which the server loads cubes, dimensions, and other objects. You can list multiple data directories by separating them with semicolons.
# Example:
# DataBaseDirectory=C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\Custom\TM1Data\PlanSamp\
# AdminHost
# Specifies the computer name or IP address of the Admin Host on which an Admin Server is running
# Type: Required, Static
# You can specify multiple Admin Hosts by separating each host name with a semicolon on a Windows TM1 server, or a colon on a UNIX TM1 server. For example:
# * Use the format AdminHost=hostname1;hostname2 on a Windows TM1 server.
# * Use the format AdminHost=hostname1:hostname2 on a UNIX TM1 server.
# Some examples include:
# * AdminHost=boston;newyork
# * AdminHost=;
# * AdminHost=boston;;;myserver;
#Note: The string specifying the admin host(s) is limited to 1020 characters or bytes.
# If set to empty than use localhost
# TM1 Server Port
# Sets the server port number used to distinguish between multiple servers running on the same computer. When multiple TM1 servers are installed on a single computer, each server must use a unique port number.
# Type: Optional, Static
# When you install a TM1 server, the default port number is 12345. Valid port values are between 5000 and 65535
# If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the PortNumber parameter, the TM1 server uses port 5000. Local TM1 servers use port 5000. The port used for Client Messages must also be a unique port number and is set to 5001 by default when the ClientMessagePortNumberparameter is used.
# ClientMessagePortNumber
# Identifies a secondary port used to accept client messages concerning the progress and ultimate cancellation of a lengthy operation without tying up thread reserves.
# Type: optional, dynamically set/Sstatic for changes
# This additional port ensures that other server requests can continue to process while waiting for a cancellation from the user.
# By default, this port number is automatically and dynamically assigned when the TM1 server starts. You do not have to set ClientMessagePortNumber to a specific number unless firewalls or other network issues require the listener port to be a well-known number.
# Note: Be sure to assign unique port numbers for the server and client message ports. If you have two servers running on the same machine with the same port number, the message activity may cause a system failure.
# Language
# Sets the language used in the TM1 interface for the IBM Cognos TM1 server.You can use this to override the current locale settings
# This parameter applies to messages generated by the server and is also used in the user interface
# of the server dialog box when you run the server as an application instead of a Windows service.
# Type: Optional, Static
# Valid values are:
# eng English
# bra Brazilian Portuguese
# hrv Croatian
# csy Czech
# sch Chinese (Simplified)
# tch Chinese (Traditional)
# dan Danish
# nld Dutch
# deu German
# fin Finnish
# fra French
# hun Hungarian
# ita Italian
# jpn Japanese
# kaz Kazakh
# kor Korean
# nor Norwegian
# pol Polish
# rom Romanian
# rus Russian
# esp Spanish
# sky Slovak
# slv Slovenian
# sve Swedish
# tha Thai
# trk Turkish
# Savetime
# Sets the time of day to execute an automatic save of server data; saves the cubes every succeeding day at the same time. As with a regular shutdown, SaveTime renames the log file, opens a new log file, and continues to run after the save.
# The Savetime parameter is not available when running the TM1 server as a Windows service.
# The format of the SaveTime parameter is dd:hh:mm where:
# * dd is the number of days from today that the system will start automatically saving data. For example, 00 is today, 01 is tomorrow.
# * hh:mm is the time of day in 24-hour format.
# Type: optional, dynamic
# Downtime
# Specifies a time when the server will come down automatically.
# The Downtime parameter is not available when running the TM1 server as a Windows service.
# The format of the Downtime parameter is dd:hh:mm where:
# * dd is the number of days from today that the system will start automatically saving data. For example, 00 is today, 01 is tomorrow.
# * hh:mm is the time of day in 24-hour format.
# When you use the DownTime parameter on the UNIX TM1 server, you must set the RunningInBackground parameter to T. If RunningInBackground=F, the server prompts for confirmation before shutting down and cannot shut down without manual confirmation from an administrator.
# Type: optional, dynamic
# LicenseMetricTime
# Sets the time of day the TM1 server will generate a License Metric Tag file.
# A License Metric Tag file is an XML file which contains information about license metrics consumed by software product instances.
# In the case of TM1 server, the reported authorized user metrics are the number of Modelers, Contributors and Explorers.
# The License Metric Tag files produced by various instances of TM1 servers are collected by the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) agent and aggregated to produce final metrics based on the TM1 product version.
# The format of the LicenseMetricTime parameter is dd:hh:mm where:
# * dd is the number of days from today that the system will start automatically producing License Metric tag files. For example, 00 is today, 01 is tomorrow.
# * hh:mm is the time of day in 24-hour format.
# Type: optional, dynamic
# ProgressMessage
# This parameter determines whether users have the option to cancel lengthy view calculations. When a user opens a view that takes a significant amount of time to calculate (usually a view with high levels of consolidation or complex rules), TM1 monitors the progress of the process. When ProgressMessage=T a dialog box opens that allows the user to Stop Building View.
# Type: Optional, Static
# If the user clicks Stop Building View, the view is discarded on the client, but view calculation continues on the server. In some instances, this can tie up the server.
# If ProgressMessage=F, the Stop Building View option is not offered and the user cannot cancel lengthy operations. This setting helps avoid potential server tie ups in versions 9.1 SP3 through 9.4.
# When ProgressMessage=T or is not present in the Tm1s.cfg file, the Stop Building View option opens during lengthy view calculations so the user can cancel the process if necessary. For versions 9.4 or later, the user can assign a unique Port Number using ClientMessagePortNumber. This additional port allows these progress messages to travel via a secondary port so that server processing can continue without tying up thread reserves.
# Note: To avoid potentially tying up servers, TM1 9.1 SP3 through 9.4 have ProgressMessage=F inserted into the Tm1s.cfg file during server installation. As of TM1 9.4, progress messages can travel via the secondary port assigned by ClientMessagePortNumber so TM1 9.4 and later have ProgressMessage=T set by default. This parameter has been tested with Citrix when this feature was redesigned.
# AuditLogOn
# Turns audit logging on (T) or off (F).
# Type: Optional, Static
# AuditLogMaxFileSize
# Indicates the maximum file size that an audit log file can grow to before it is closed and a new file is created.
# Type: Optional, Dynamic
# This value must include units of KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), or GB (gigabytes).
# Default value: 100 MB
# Minimum value: 1 KB
# Maximum value: 2 GB
AuditLogMaxFileSize= 100 MB
# AuditLogUpdateInterval
# Indicates the maximum amount of time, in minutes, that TM1 waits before moving the events from the temporary audit file into the final audit log.
# Type: Optional, Dynamic
# This value must include units of KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), or GB (gigabytes).
# Default value: 60 (sixty minutes)
# Minimum value: 1 (one minute)
# Turn on Persistent Feeders to make TM1 models load faster
# Type: Optional, Static
# ServerCAMURI
# Specifies the URI for the internal dispatcher that the TM1 server should use to connect to CAM. The URI is specified in the form http[s]://host IP address:port/p2pd/servlet/dispatch.
# Type: Optional, Dynamic
# No default
# For example,
# or
# ClientCAMURI
# The URI for the IBM Cognos Server IBM Cognos Connection used to authenticate TM1 clients. The URI is specified in the form http[s]://host/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi.
# Type: Optional, Dynamic
# No default
# Example:
# ClientPingCAMPassport
# Indicates the interval, in seconds, that a client should ping the CAM server to keep their passport alive.
# Type: Optional, Static
# If an error occurs or the passport expires the user will be disconnected from the TM1 server.
## Optional CAM parameters
# CAMSSLCertificate
# Type: Optional/Required only when CAM server is configured with SSL, Static
# The full path and name of the SSL certificate to be used when connecting to the internal dispatcher. For example, C:\AxTM1\Install_Dir\ssl\CognosCert.cer.
# CAMSSLCertRevList
# CAM SSL Certificate Rev List
# Skip SSL CAM Host Check
# Indicates whether the SSL certificate ID confirmation process can be skipped. The default is FALSE.
# Type: Optional, Static
# Important: This parameter should be set to TRUE only if using a generic certificate for demonstration purposes.
## Optional LDAP Settings
# PasswordSource
# Determines the source of authentication
# Type: Optional, Static
# Two options:
# * TM1 (default) - Compares the user-entered password to the password in the TM1 database.
# * LDAP - Compares the user-entered password to the password stored in on the LDAP server.
# LDAPPort
# TM1 attempts to bind to an LDAP server on the specified secure port. If you do not enter an LDAPPort value, TM1 uses the default value, port 636
# Type: Optional, Static
# This must be a secure (SSL) port.
# LDAPHost
# Uses the domain name or dotted string representation of the IP address of the LDAP server host. If you do enter a value for LDAPHost, TM1 uses the default value, localhost.
# Type: Optional, Static
# LDAPUseServerAccount
# Determines if a password is required to connect to the server when using LDAP authentication.
# Type: Optional
# To connect directly to the LDAP server using integrated authentication, set this parameter to T. Set this parameter to T whenever the IBM Cognos TM1 server and LDAP server exist on the same domain.
# To use a password before connecting, set this parameter to F. When LDAPUseServerAccount is set to F, you must also set the LDAPPasswordFile and LDAPPasswordKeyFile to successfully connect to the LDAP server using SSL.
# LDAPSearchBase
# A base distinguished name (DN) in the LDAP directory. For example:
# ou=people,
# Specifies the node in the LDAP tree at which the search for the TM1 user being validated begins. For example, if the distinguished names are of the form:
# uid-bjensen, ou-people,
# then the search base would be:
# ou-people,
# This is a required field if using LDAP Authentication.
# LDAPSearchField
# cn
# The name of the LDAP attribute that is expected to contain the name of the TM1 user being validated. If you do not enter an LDAPSearchField value, the default value is cn, which is also the default value for Microsoft Active Directory.
# IPVersion
# Select IPv4 or IPv6
# Sets IP protocol.
# Type: Optional, Static
# Three options:
# * ipv4 - use ipv4 (default)
# * ipv6 - use ipv6
# * dual - use ipv6 with support for ipv4
# ServerCAMIPVersion
# Server CAM Internet Protocol Version
# Select IPv4 or IPv6
# Sets IP protocol.
# Type: Optional, Static
# Two options:
# * ipv4 - use ipv4 (default)
# * ipv6 - use ipv6
# AllowSeparateNandCRules
# Specifies expressions for N: and C: levels on separate lines using identical AREA definitions, maintaining the rules conventions of TM1.
# Type: Optional, Static
# For example,
# ['Budget','Argentina']=N:Expression;
# ['Budget','Argentina']=C:Expression;
# are both valid rules statements when you include the AllowSeparateNandCRules parameter in the Tm1s.cfg file and set to T.
# This parameter also effects how numeric and string rules are applied to cells. Without this parameter, the first rule statement that is encountered for a given AREA definition is applied to the cells within the scope of that definition. If any cell within the AREA definition is numeric and the rule is a string rule, then the cell is considered not rule-derived because there was a match that did not apply to the cell.
# For example, consider the statements:
# ['1 Quarter']=s:'str_value';Not following.
# ['1 Quarter']=n:77;
# If the AllowSeparateNandCRules parameter is not set (or is set to F), then the first rule statement will match any cell that uses '1 Quarter' as one of its elements. If the cell is a string cell, the value of the cell will be set to “str_value”. If the cell is a numeric cell, the cell will not be considered rule derived, since a match was found (the first rule) but the rule itself did not apply.
# If the AllowSeparateNandCRules parameter is set to T, then string cells which use '1 Quarter' will be set to "str_value" and numeric cells which use '1 Quarter' will be set to 77.
# DistributedPlanningOutputDir
# Type: Optional, Static
# Cognos Insight distributed clients need information called "tunits".
# This data is created when an application is deployed and is updated as the TM1 server runs.
# The location of the directory used for this purpose is set using this parameter.
# In order to deploy Cognos Insight distributed client applications using this database, uncomment or add this parameter as DistributedPlanningOutputDir=<location of the tunit directory>.
# The pathname specified can be absolute, or relative to the TM1 server data directory.
# Examples:
# DistributedPlanningOutputDir=tunit creates a directory "tunit" under the TM1 server data directory
# DistributedPlanningOutputDir=..\tunit creates a directory "tunit" as a sibling to the TM1 server data directory
# DistributedPlanningOutputDir=C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1\samples\tm1\GO_New_Stores\tunit creates a directory "tunit" at the specified location.
# ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange
# Type: Optional, Static
# When this parameter is set, a feeder statement is forced to be re-evaluated when data changes.
# When the IBM Cognos TM1 server computes feeders, the process can be a "chain" of feeders, where cell A feeds cell B, and there is a feeder rule for cell B, so that rule runs and feeds cell C, etc. Feeders for numeric cells are only evaluated when a cell goes from empty to some non-zero value since any non-zero value in the cell would already have set any feeders.
# There is no need to re-evaluate the feeders when a cell changes from one non-zero value to another.
# Normally, when evaluating feeders, if a feeder rule is evaluated and the target cell is already fed, the feeding process stops.
# Feeder rules are not processed any further since the presence of the feeder in the target cell indicates that the feeder rules for the target cell have already been run, and there is no need to run them again.
# Consider the following feeder rules:
# ['A']=>['B'];
# The feeder rule for cell B depends on some cube data value:
# [B]=>DB(cube-name,!dim1,DB(cube2-name, ...),!dim2);['C']=>['D'];['X']=>['B'];
# When the feeder rule for B is initially evaluated, the DB(cube2-name, ...) is evaluated to produce an element name, such as C. Therefore B feeds C and then C feeds D. When that cell X goes from zero to non-zero. This change also feeds B. But B is already fed, so the feeding process stops, and the feeder rule for B never evaluates, so any "change" in the output of the rule, which may come about because of an underlying data change targeted by the DB(…) statement will not be evaluated. If the config parameter ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange is set, then the presence of a feeder in cell B will not terminate feeder processing. Rather, the feeder rule for B will run. Because the feeder rule for B is data dependent, the target for the feeder may be the former C, or may be some other cell, and that cell will be fed. Note that setting this parameter will force more feeder evaluations, which may have a performance impact.
# To turn on this parameter set ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange=T.
#Specifies whether multiple hierarchy creation is enabled or disabled.
#Parameter type: optional (required for multiple hierarchies)
#By default, the EnableNewHierarchyCreation parameter is set to F (false). If you are working with multiple hierarchies, change the parameter setting to T (true). TM1 Reference lists the TurboIntegrator functions to manage dimensions and equivalent functions to manage specific hierarchies within dimensions.
# TM1 Server HTTP Port
# Sets the server port number for HTTP access. Like PortNumber, it is used to distinguish between multiple servers running on the same computer. When multiple TM1 servers are installed on a single computer, each server must use unique values for port number and HTTP port number.
# Type: Optional, Static
# When you install a TM1 server, the default HTTP port number is 12354. Valid port values are between 5000 and 49151
# If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the HTTPPortNumber parameter, then you can not use the OData v4 Compliant REST API.
#Specifies whether TurboIntegrator debugging capabilities are enabled or disabled.
#Parameter type: optional, dynamic
#By default, the EnableTIDebugging parameter is set to F (false).
#Setting the parameter to T (true) allows you to use any of the TurboIntegrator process debugging capabilities of the TM1 REST API.