Differences in implementation for TM1 Perspectives features

TM1® Perspectives is TM1-native API based, whereas Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel is REST API and MDX based. This difference affects how some of the features are implemented.

The following are some TM1 Perspectives features that are implemented differently in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel:
Consumption patterns for macro automation
The consumption patterns for macro automation in TM1 Perspectives and Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel are not directly comparable. You might experience differences in performance or functionality if you are directly porting macro automation from TM1 Perspectives to Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. You should design and evaluate macro automation specifically for Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.
Exporting reports from the Cube Viewer
Instead of slicing from the Cube Viewer into an Excel worksheet, in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel you can right-click a view and insert it as the type of report you want. If you want to manipulate the view first, insert it as an Exploration View, manipulate the view, and then convert it to the type of report you want. For more information on the different reports types in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel, see Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel report types.
Refreshing a Dynamic Report
When you refresh a Dynamic Report, the formatting is updated only if the number of rows in the data area was changed or if a value in the ID column of the format range was changed. Otherwise, rebuild the Dynamic Report (ALT+F9) to update the formatting. In TM1 Perspectives, the formatting is updated when you recalculate (F9) a Dynamic Report.
Rebuilding a Dynamic Report
Rebuilding a Dynamic Report only rebuilds the items that were changed in the report, rather than rebuilding all of the items in the report. This allows reports to rebuild faster than in TM1 Perspectives.
Dynamic Report header rows
In Dynamic Reports, any change to the header row (the row with the TM1RPTROW formula) of the report requires you to re-create the report. For example, if you change the formula or add a column, you must re-create the Dynamic Report to see the results.
Dynamic Report nested rows
In Dynamic Reports with nested rows, the member names in the nested rows are not grouped. Instead, the member names are repeated.
Zero suppression
Zero suppression is done based on the column tuples that are present. In TM1 Perspectives, zero suppression is done based on the product of the members of each dimension on the column (symmetric column).
Blank dimension elements in a DBRW argument
A blank dimension element in a DBRW argument is displayed as an empty result in TM1 Perspectives, but is displayed as #VALUE in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. This difference is because Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel returns a true error response to an invalid element, which is displayed as #VALUE. For more information, see How to correct a #VALUE! error (https://support.office.com/en-us/article/how-to-correct-a-value-error-15e1b616-fbf2-4147-9c0b-0a11a20e409e).
DBRA function
The DBRA function is currently read-only in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. If you are using DBRA functions for writeback in TM1 Perspectives and you want to perform write back in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel, you can use the DBRW function against the }ElementAttributes_DimensionName control cube in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel instead. Alternatively, you can write back by using the control cube in an Exploration View or a Quick Report.
Refresh using F9
In Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel, F9 is not automatically enabled to refresh a sheet. This function can be turned on in Options.
DBR function
DBR functions large numbers of ARGs using nested parenthesis do not work in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel locally supports larger count of arguments, the ResolveNestedParen function can be used to automatically update workbook contents.