Create a dimension in Planning Analytics Workspace

You can create and edit dimensions when you are a Modeler or an Administrator.


  1. On a modeling workbench, navigate to the Databases tree and expand the database where you want to create the dimension.
  2. Right-click Dimensions node, and click Create dimension.
  3. Enter the name of your dimension and click Create.

    The name can't contain these characters: \ / : * ? " < > | ' ; , }

    By default, a dimension is created with a an initial hierarchy that has the same name as the dimension.
  4. Add members to the hierarchy by using one of these methods:
    You can also customize the dimension as a Time dimension.

What to do next

To create a new hierarchy within the current dimension, click Vertical ellipsis icon next to Hierarchy and click Create hierarchy. For more information about creating hierarchies, see Hierarchies.

To delete a dimension, in the data tree, right-click the dimension, and click Delete dimension.