Connect to IBM Planning Analytics

You can connect to an IBM® Planning Analytics datasource that is configured to be accessible from IBM Planning Analytics Workspace version 2.0.0 or later.


If you are a user in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel, you can use a Planning Analytics datasource to do the following tasks:
  • Create reports
  • Open workbooks that are published on a TM1® Server Application folder
  • Explore data in a model or package
  • Save your data and work locally
  • Publish your workbooks to a TM1 Server Application folder
  • You can also modify data. For example, if your administrator distributes an enterprise-wide budget plan, you can use IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel to create an Exploration View to review, analyze, and update the portion of the plan that is assigned to you


If you are a modeler in Planning Analytics Workspace, you can publish your models to a Planning Analytics datasource. You can also include TurboIntegrator processes in the model and then use them in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.


If you are an administrator in Planning Analytics Workspace, you can use the Planning Analytics Workspace Administration tool to configure the Planning Analytics URIs and authentication servers.