Disable select data spreading methods on Planning Analytics Workspace Local

You can configure your Planning Analytics Workspace Local environment to disable any combination of the Repeat, Repeat leaves, Equal leaves, and Straight line data spreading methods.

About this task

When you disable a data spreading method, the method cannot be applied in a cube view or in a single cell widget. The method is grayed-out and cannot be selected in the Data spread options window and the spreading method cannot be applied using data spread keyboard shortcuts.
Important: This procedure disables data spreading only in a cube view or in a single cell widget in Planning Analytics Workspace. If Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel is also available in your local environment, these settings have no impact on data spreading in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.


  1. Open the Planning Analytics Workspace Local configuration file.

    The configuration file is located in the <planning_analytics_install_dir>\config directory and is named paw.ps1 (Windows) or paw.env (Linux).

  2. Add the DISABLED_SPREAD_OPTIONS parameter to the configuration file and specify the data spreading methods you want to disable.
    The methods you can specify for this parameter are:
    • Repeat
    • RepeatLeaves
    • EqualLeaves
    • StraightLine

    If you specify multiple data spreading methods, separate each method with a comma and enclose the entire parameter value string in quotation marks as shown in the example.

  3. Save the configuration file.
  4. Run ./scripts/paw.ps1 (Windows) or ./scripts/paw.env to apply the configuration changes.


To disable the Repeat, Repeat leaves, Equal leaves, and Straight line data spreading methods on Windows, add this line to the paw.ps1 configuration file.


To disable the Repeat, Repeat leaves, Equal leaves, and Straight line data spreading methods on Linux, add this line to the paw.env configuration file.

export DISABLED_SPREAD_OPTIONS="Repeat,RepeatLeaves,EqualLeaves,StraightLine"