Local and remote servers
A local server gives you exclusive access to data and objects in a set of Windows folders called data directories. During the TM1 client session, only you can create, browse, and modify data or objects that a local server stores. You can also control where the data directories are located.
Remote servers provide access to shared data and objects in your organization. A user's level of access depends on the security group that the administrator assigns to the user name (client ID) that the user employs to access the remote server. For example, a user might be able to update March sales data that is stored on a department's remote server, but that user can browse only the campaign data that is stored on the Marketing department's remote server.
If you work with a remote server, you must know the location of the Admin Host on which a TM1 Admin Server is running, and the Admin Host must be accessible from your system.
The Admin Server is a process that tracks the TM1 servers that are running on your network. A client references the Admin Server to determine which servers are available at any time. For more information about the Admin Server, see Accessing remote servers.
Any TM1 client can access remote TM1 servers, but only TM1 Architect and TM1 Perspectives support local TM1 servers.