Advanced storage service configuration settings

You can use the following settings to customize storage requirements for Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed.

Possible values: true | false
Default value: false
Indicates whether storage provider requires ownership of mounted volumes be changed by the pods.
Possible values: 1-3
Default value: 3
Number of nodes in the cluster that are to be used for storage nodes. All storage services are pinned to run only on these nodes.
Possible values: any
Default value: pa-local-storage
OpenShift® storage class.
Possible values: ReadWriteMany | ReadWriteOnce
Default value: ReadWriteMany
The access mode used by the selected PA_KUBE_STORAGE_CLASS.
Possible values: true | false
Default value: false
Indicates whether the storage type supports dynamic provisioning.
Possible values: any
Default value: /opt/ibm/planninganalytics/paw
Path to local storage on each worker node that runs the storage services. Can either be an absolute or relative path.
Possible values: > 1Gi
Default value: 10Gi
Space requirements for the storage services configured on each storage node. The value must be of the format 'xxGi', where xx is an integer value.
Possible values: dedicated | local | shared
Default value: local
Indicates whether storage is local or shared.
Possible values: local | nfs | other

The value local is only valid when PA_KUBE_STORAGE_TYPE is set to shared.

Default value: none
Indicates which OpenShift volume type to use when PA_KUBE_STORAGE_TYPE is set to shared.