TM1 Application Server settings in Cognos Configuration

You can configure settings for IBM® TM1® Application Server in IBM Cognos® Configuration.

In Cognos Configuration, click Environment > TM1 Applications.

Session timeout (min)
Time after which if there is no activity that the TM1 Server disconnects. Default is 60 minutes.
Force qualified paths
When set to True, a machine name that is provided as the Admin Host resolves to a fully qualified domain name. When set to False, only the machine name is used.
Notifications provider
  • DLS (Delivery Service): If a mail server is configured, emails are sent but no notifications display in the Cognos Inbox.
  • HTS (Human Task Service): Notifications are sent to the Cognos Inbox, and emails also sent if a mail server is configured.
By default, left blank for no notifications.
Enable Business Viewpoint
True means Business Viewpoint can interact with this installation. False prevents Business Viewpoint from interacting.
Cognos Connection Folder Name
Specifies the name of the Cognos Connection folder in which hyperlinks to deployed TM1 applications are contained. Default is IBM Cognos TM1 Application - My Applications
TM1 Application Server Dispatcher URI
The URI used for the dispatcher servlet, for example http://localhost:9510/pmpsvc/dispatcher/servlet
User ID and Password
User ID and Password used to authenticate.

Under TM1 Applications, click TM1 Clients.

Provisioning URI
Specifies a URI to use to manually set the msi locations.
Allow provisioned installs
True permits users without the clients installed to provision and install them from TM1 Application Server. False blocks users from provisioning and installing client software.
Allow provisioned updates
True permits updates that are installed on the TM1 Application Server such as a Fix Pack version to be provisioned to clients when users next connect. False prevents updates from being provisioned.
Enable publish from Cognos Insight®
True permits a user with Admin rights to publish from Cognos Insight. False disallows the Publish operation for all users.
Cognos Insight ping frequency (seconds)
Determines the frequency with which Cognos Insight verifies connectivity to the TM1 Application Server. Default is 30 seconds.