Report format
The formatting in a Dynamic Report is specified by format definitions within a format range. You can change the formatting of a Dynamic Report by changing the cell formatting of format definitions and by adding new format definitions.
The format range is hidden by default. You must reveal the format range before you can modify the default formatting or create new format definitions. To reveal the format range, press Ctrl-A. On the Home tab, under Cells, click . Click . Repeat and select Unhide Columns. Cell A1 will now be visible. For more information about hiding and unhiding rows and columns, see the Microsoft Excel online help.

Row 1 contains the Begin
Format Range
label. The last row of the format range contains the End Format
label. All formatting for the Dynamic Report must be defined between these labels.
The rows between the Begin Format Range label and the End Format Range label contain the default format definitions for the Dynamic Report.
The format label column (typically column A) in the format range contains the format definition labels for each format definition. Format definition labels can be numbers, letters, or strings.
For each data row in the Dynamic Report, the format label column (typically column
A) contains a format definition label, which determines the format definition to apply to the row.
When you first generate a Dynamic Report, the
format definition corresponding to the level of each row set member is applied.
indicates a leaf level member, while Default
indicates a
consolidation level greater than the number of level format definitions defined in the format range.
For example, if you define format definitions for levels 0 - 5, Default
defines the
formatting for all other levels.
- World (Level 0)
- North America (Level 1)
- South America (Level 1)
- Argentina (Leaf)
- Brazil (Leaf)
- Uruguay (Leaf)
World is a level 0 member in the row set, so the 0 format definition is applied to the World row.
South America is a level 1 member, so the 1 format definition is applied. Uruguay is a leaf member
of the row set, so the Leaf
format definition is applied.