Indicates the language used in the IBM®
TM1® Server client interface.
Clients will try to read from the locale and use that to set the language. That language will be used if it matches one of the supported languages. If the language entered does not match a supported language, English is used.
To override the default you can set the Language explicitly in the tm1p.ini using the following codes:
Language | Code |
Brazilian Portuguese | bra |
Croatian | hrv |
Czech | csy |
Chinese (Simplified) | sch |
Chinese (Traditional) | tch |
Danish | dan |
Dutch | nld |
German | deu |
Finnish | fin |
French | fra |
Hungarian | hun |
Italian | ita |
Japanese | jpn |
Kazakh | kaz |
Korean | kor |
Norwegian | nor |
Polish | pol |
Romanian | rom |
Russian | rus |
Spanish | esp |
Slovenian | slv |
Swedish | sve |
Thai | tha |
Turkish | trk |