Start Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed
Follow these steps to start Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed.
- Run the
The script checks your cluster environment. If any prerequisites are not satisfied, review the output, update your environment, and rerun the script.
- Provide values for the configuration prompts that the start script presents:
Enter the host name of your primary node: Helm detected - configuring install to use helm for deployment Would you like to use a private docker registry? (default 'n'): Worker nodes configuration successfully validated Kubernetes version successfully validated Storage class (default: 'paw-storageclass'): Storage type - dedicated | local | shared (default: 'local'): Storage root for local persistent volumes (default: '/opt/ibm/planninganalytics/paw'): Storage nodes configuration successfully validated Ingress type - controller | nodeport | none (default: 'controller'): Ingress host (default: ‘'):
- Verify that the script created all Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed services. Wait a few minutes for the system to complete its initial configuration.