Start Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed

Follow these steps to start Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed.


  1. Run the script:

    The script checks your cluster environment. If any prerequisites are not satisfied, review the output, update your environment, and rerun the script.

  2. Provide values for the configuration prompts that the start script presents:
    Enter the host name of your primary node:
        Helm detected - configuring install to use helm for deployment
        Would you like to use a private docker registry? (default 'n'): 
        Worker nodes configuration successfully validated
        Kubernetes version successfully validated
        Storage class (default: 'paw-storageclass'): 
        Storage type - dedicated | local | shared (default: 'local'): 
        Storage root for local persistent volumes (default: '/opt/ibm/planninganalytics/paw'): 
        Storage nodes configuration successfully validated
        Ingress type - controller | nodeport | none (default: 'controller'): 
        Ingress host (default: ‘'): 
  3. Verify that the script created all Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed services. Wait a few minutes for the system to complete its initial configuration.