Install IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel, versions 2.0.64 and prior

Installing IBM® Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel is fast and easy. You can download and run an installation program to help you with this process.

IBM Cognos® TM1® includes sample data, which you can use in Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. If you want to use the samples, your IBM Cognos administrator must install the samples on the IBM Cognos system.

Before you begin

Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel is available as a 32-bit or 64-bit installation. The corresponding installation must be installed on either the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Microsoft Office.
Tip: Consider using the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office and Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel if you anticipate performing large reporting activities.

Before you update and install components, ensure that the following statements are true:

  • You have administrative privileges on the computer.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later is installed.
  • Any previous version of IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel is uninstalled.
  • If you are installing a version of Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel that is older than the version currently installed, back up your connection data. Replacing a newer version of Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel with an older version might cause your connection data to be lost.
  • Acquire the appropriate license to use your IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office product.
  • Configure your antivirus software to allow or unblock connections from the following two applications:
    • Microsoft .NET Runtime
    • Microsoft Excel


  1. Close all Microsoft Excel windows.
  2. Download and extract the installation program.
  3. If you have the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office, browse to the win32 folder. If you have the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office, browse to the winx64h folder.
  4. Right-click the issetup.exe file and select Run as Administrator.
    The Welcome page appears in a new window.
  5. Select the language to use for the installation.

    The language that you select determines the language of the installation user interface. The language of the product user interface is defined by the display/primary language settings in Microsoft Windows.

  6. In the Component Selection page, select Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.
  7. Follow the directions in the installation wizard to copy the necessary files to your computer.