Monitoring TM1 Server license usage
IBM® TM1® Server generates IBM Software License Metric Tag (SLMT) files. Versions of IBM License Metric Tool that support SLMT files can generate License Consumption Reports that provide information about license usage for your TM1 Server.
For complete details on installing and using IBM License Metric Tool, see IBM License Metric Tool on IBM Knowledge Center.
The initial generation of SLMT files is determined by the LicenseMetricTime Tm1s.cfg parameter. When the generation of SMLT files is enabled with LicenseMetricTime, a new SLMT file is created every 24 hours.
The AUTHORIZED_USER metric can have the following subtypes:
- IBM Cognos Enterprise Planning TM1 Modeler - Any user that is a member of the Admin, DataAdmin, or SecurityAdmin user groups on the TM1 Server.
- IBM Cognos Enterprise Planning TM1 Contributor - Any user that is not a Modeler, but is assigned to a group with write access to at least one cube on a TM1 Server. A group is defined to have write access for a cube if the group is assigned one of the following security permissions for the cube: Write, Lock, Reserve, or Admin.
- IBM Cognos Enterprise Planning TM1 Explorer - Any user that is not a Modeler or a Contributor.
For each of these subtypes, the AUTHORIZED_USER metric records the number of users who have logged on to the TM1 Server during the period identified in the SLMT file.
Location of Software License Metric Tag files
On all operating systems, the SLMT files are created in the slmtag directory at the same level as the bin64 directory in the TM1 install location. For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1_64\slmtag. All SLMT files use the .slmtag file extension.
To help you understand how the number of Modelers, Contributors, and Explorers are calculated when producing an SLMT file, the TM1 server also produces an identically named file, but with the .slmtagraw file extension. These .slmtagraw files are created in a folder named slmtagraw, which exists at the same level as the slmtag folder.
The .slmtagraw files are not consumed by the IBM License Metric Tool. They exist solely to provide you with insight regarding metric calculation. For instance, in the following excerpt from a .slmtagraw file you can see that the user named Planner is a Contributor. The user belongs to the BUDGET PLANNER group, and that group has WRITE permission on the plan_BudgetPlan cube.
<Metric LogTime="2016-10-18T14:45:20Z">
<Value><![CDATA[Group BUDGET PLANNER is a contributor
group: Group BUDGET PLANNER has
WRITE permission on cube plan_BudgetPlan.]]>
<Metric LogTime="2016-10-18T14:45:20Z">
<Value><![CDATA[User Planner is a Contributor.
Belongs to group BUDGET PLANNER.
Group BUDGET PLANNER has WRITE permission
on cube plan_BudgetPlan.]]>