Modifying Cognos TM1 installed components

You can modify your current installation by reinstalling components or adding components that are not already installed.

About this task

You can only install components using the install wizard, you cannot remove components using this method.
Note: Program maintenance does not include changing the location of the Cognos® TM1® installation directory. To change the location of the installation directory, remove all Cognos TM1 files and reinstall Cognos TM1 in another location.


  1. To start the installation:
    • Go to the download location for the Cognos TM1 installation program.
    • Or, insert the IBM® Cognos TM1 product disk.

      If the installation wizard does not open automatically, go to the operating system directory to locate the issetup.exe file.

  2. Right-click the issetup.exe command and click Run as Administrator.
  3. Click Next to advance to the Component Selection screen.

    If prompted, respond to the following questions:

    • Confirm that you want to install to the same location as a previous installation.
    • Confirm whether or not you want to create a backup of all files from the existing installation.
  4. On the Component Selection screen, select the Cognos TM1 components you want to install and click Next.
    The Component Selection screen shows the current state of your Cognos TM1 installation.
    • Items that are currently installed display with a red X icon next to the component name.
    • Items that are not currently installed display with a green check mark next to the name. These items are automatically selected for installation.

  5. Click Next to start the modifications.
  6. Click Finish when the modifications are completed.