The Welcome Kit

The IBM® Planning Analytics Welcome Kit file contains a set of account and system information that is unique for your Planning Analytics system.

Download the initial IBM Planning Analytics Welcome Kit

The process for downloading your initial IBM Planning Analytics Welcome Kit is as follows.

  1. IBM Planning Analytics administrators receive an email, which includes an invitation to a Box@IBM folder.

    The IBM Planning Analytics Welcome Kit is downloaded from the Box@IBM folder. The folder contains Welcome Kits for all your production and non-production environments, and is named Your_name (Planning Analytics on Cloud).

  2. To download the Welcome Kit, you need a Box@IBM account.
  3. In Box@IBM, you have view permissions to the folder, and you cannot see who has access to the folder. If you want to see a list of people who have access to the Box@IBM account, or to change who has access, open a support case.
  4. To be notified of a new or changed file in the Welcome Kit, enable email notifications with the following steps.
    1. Log in to your Box@IBM account and go to your Welcome Kit folder.
    2. Click Ellipsis and select Settings.
    3. In the Email and Notifications section, select Override default settings for this folder and all subfolders.
    4. Under Notify me when someone, select Uploads.
    5. Click Save Changes.

Contents of the Welcome Kit

The information includes the main user account credentials, system addresses, and URLs that you use to connect to one specific Planning Analytics system.

Note: The information in the Planning Analytics Welcome Kit supersedes the online documentation if differences or questions arise.

The file for the Planning Analytics Welcome Kit uses the following naming format:

customername - IBM Planning Analytics Welcome Kit

A typical Planning Analytics system includes the following account and system information:

Planning Analytics system address
The unique system address for your Planning Analytics system.
Typical format:
Note: Customers provisioned before September 24, 2020 will have the domain.
You typically have more than one Planning Analytics system address. For example, you might have addresses for non-production and production cloud environments.
User account names and passwords
Each Planning Analytics system includes multiple user accounts.
Cognos® Command Center agent account
Username and password for the Cognos Command Center agent.
Use this account to log in to Cognos Command Center to work with agents. For more information, see Setting up an agent in the Cognos Command Center server.
Note: Cognos Command Center is not available with Planning Analytics Digital Pack.
The Planning Analytics Welcome Kit contains other information that you can use to work with Cognos Command Center.
Non-interactive TM1 account
User account information for use in the LDAP namespace. You can use account information when you have automation tools and processes that are scheduled or require the username and password to be non-interactive.
Using the following account, a customer can automate processes that involve their Planning Analytics Cloud TM1 server.
  • Username: <customer>_tm1_automation
  • Password: <generated>
  • CAM Namespace: LDAP
On the Cognos Command Center on-premises server:
  1. Create a Planning Analytics Cloud Agent by using the Cognos Command Center Agent user (admin) from the welcome kit.
  2. Create a Planning Analytics Cloud TM1 computing resource by using the new <customer>_tm1_automation from the welcome kit.
For more information, see Setting up a non-interactive account for use in the LDAP namespace.
Shared folder account
Username and password for File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) and Windows file sharing with the shared folder on your Planning Analytics system.
URLs for Planning Analytics web-browser-based applications
You can provide these URLs to your users so they can access the related Planning Analytics web-based applications from their web browsers.
  • Planning Analytics Workspace

  • TM1® Web

  • TM1 Applications

URLs for Planning Analytics web-connected applications
Use this information to configure a remote data connection for the following application.
  • IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel

Shared folder information
User account information for File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) and Windows file sharing with the shared folder on your Planning Analytics system. This information includes username, password, and addresses assigned to your shared folder.
For detailed steps about accessing your shared folder, see Managing files in the Planning Analytics shared folder.