How do I change the IP configuration of Planning Analytics Workspace Local?
If you can't access Planning Analytics Workspace Local over a VPN connection, it might be because they are using the same IP address. You can change the Planning Analytics Workspace Local IP address for the paw_net network to avoid conflicts.
What to do
To change the subnet for the paw_net network, run the following docker commands:
On Windows 2016
stop-service docker
get-containernetwork | remove-containernetwork
- Create the file: C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json with the
following contents:
{ "fixed-cidr": "" }
Where you substitute the desired subnet for paw_net.
start-service docker
For more information, see Customize the docker0 bridge.
On Linux®
docker network rm paw_net
docker network create -d bridge --subnet paw_net
Where you substitute the desired subnet for paw_net.
The script scripts/ creates the initial paw_net network.
For more information, see Use bridge networks.