Edit parameters in Cognos Configuration to use independent certificates

After adding your certificate to the Microsoft Windows Certificate Store, use IBM Cognos Configuration to update the parameters for the Cognos TM1 Admin Server.
Table 1. TLS Parameters in Cognos Configuration that support independent certificates
Parameter Description
Export TM1 Admin Server certificate?

This parameter must be set to True to enable the Admin Server to retrieve the certificate from the Certificate Store.

TM1 Admin Server certificate authority file location

The full path and name of the certificate authority file that issued the TM1 Admin Server's certificate.

You can determine this value by referring to the Microsoft Management Console and clicking Certificates > Personal > Certificates. The authority name displays in the Issued By column of the Properties pane.

TM1 Admin Server certificate ID

The name of the principal to whom the IBM® Cognos® TM1® Admin Server's certificate is issued.

You can determine this value by referring to the Microsoft Management Console and clicking Certificates > Personal > Certificates. The principal name displays in the Issued To column of the Properties pane.

TM1 Admin Server private key password file location

The full path to the .dat file that contains the encrypted password for the private key.

Note: The name of this file is specified by the -outfile parameter when you run the TM1Crypt utility.

For example, if you run the TM1Crypt utility from the following command:

tm1crypt.exe -pwd abc123 -keyfile btkey.dat -outfile btprk.dat -validate

the correct parameter value is:

C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin\btprk.dat

TM1 Admin Server password key file location

The full path to the .dat file that contains the key used to encrypt and decrypt the password for the private key.

Note: The name of this file is specified by the -keyfile parameter when you run the TM1Crypt utility.

For example, if you run the TM1Crypt utility from the following command:

tm1crypt.exe -pwd abc123 -keyfile btkey.dat -outfile btprk.dat -validate

the correct parameter value is:

C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin\btkey.dat

TM1 Admin Server export key ID

Specifies the identity key used to export the Admin Server's certificate from the Windows certificate store.

In most cases, the value for TM1 Admin Server export key ID will be identical to the value for TM1 Admin Server certificate ID.