Configure the persistent volume locations on the storage nodes

By default, the storage services use OpenShift® local persistent volumes within the designated storage nodes. The start script asks you whether you would like the script to configure the storage locations automatically.

About this task

Note: If you changed the value of PA_KUBE_STORAGE_ROOT, replace /opt/ibm/planninganalytics/paw in these commands with the new value.


  1. If you have ssh access to the storage nodes, specify y when you are prompted. The start script will ask you to log in to each storage node and will configure the storage folders for you.
  2. If you do not have ssh access to the storage nodes, an administrator must complete the following steps:
    1. Log on to first storage node that you have specified in the config/paw.env file and run the following command:
      sudo mkdir -p /opt/ibm/planninganalytics/paw/storage-node1
    2. Log on to the second storage node and run the following command:
      sudo mkdir -p /opt/ibm/planninganalytics/paw/storage-node2
    3. Log on to the third storage node and run the following command:
      sudo mkdir -p /opt/ibm/planninganalytics/paw/storage-node3

What to do next

If you want to use another volume type, see Configure a different storage type.