Changing default port numbers for TM1 Admin Server

If you change the default values for the TM1 Admin Server host port number or the TM1 Admin Server SSL port number in IBM® Cognos® Configuration, you need to manually update the new values in the UNIX and Microsoft Windows services file across all the affected computers in your environment. This operating system file is not updated by TM1®.

About this task

Update the operating system services file on any computer running TM1 components that need to communicate with the TM1 Admin Server. For example:

  • IBM TM1 Server
  • TM1 desktop clients such as Cognos TM1 Architect or Cognos TM1 Perspectives
  • TM1 Web (web server only)
  • Custom TM1 applications created with the TM1 API


  1. Locate and open the services file for the specific operating system.
    • For UNIX, the typical location of the services file is:


    • For Windows, the typical location of the services file is:


  2. Add or edit the following entries in the services file with the new port numbers. For example:

    tm1adminsvr 5400/tcp # Added by IBM Cognos TM1

    tm1admsrv_ssl 5403/tcp # Added by IBM Cognos TM1

  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Repeat these steps for each computer running TM1 components that communicate with the TM1 Admin Server.
  5. Edit the tm1web_config.xml file to specify the port number of the Admin Server.
    • If you are using TLS, edit the AdminHostSSLPort parameter.
    • If you are not using TLS, edit the AdminHostPort parameter.
    The tm1web_config.xml file is located in <TM1 install location>\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\configuration\.

    For more details about the tm1web_config.xml file, see Editing the Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services configuration file and Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services/TM1 Web configuration parameters.