COI-ERR-2015 There was a problem parsing the MIME encoded server response. Tried to find the boundary [{0}] but found the boundary [{1}] instead

While using GZip compression, an option for compressing data that is retrieved from the server, an error occurred. The codes to decompress the data are missing or unrecognized by IBM® Cognos® Office.

Turn compression off. Although compression is turned on by default, it can be turned off by setting the UseGzipCompression property to false in the CommManagerSettings.xml file, which, by default, is located in the Office Connection directory, such as C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Cognos\Office Connection or C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Cognos\Office Connection.

Turn compression off if you need to run tests or perform troubleshooting.

To turn gzip compression off set the following attribute:

<setting name="UseGzipCompression">False</setting>