Use Cognos Configuration to start Planning Analytics components

Before you can use Planning Analytics, you need to start the IBM® TM1® Admin Server, the IBM TM1 Application Server, and at least one IBM TM1 sample database server. This action registers the servers in the Windows service registry. Then you need to configure the services so that they run under a specific user. Servers that are running in a Microsoft Windows environment are referred to as services.


  1. If it is not already running, start the configuration tool by clicking Start > All Programs > IBM Cognos TM1 > IBM Cognos Configuration.
    Remember: Right-click and use Run as Administrator on Windows and Windows Server operating system software.
  2. In the Cognos® Configuration Explorer pane, expand Local Configuration > Environment.
  3. Right-click the TM1 Admin Server component and select Start.
    Start the TM1 Admin Server first since that server must be running before any sample database can run.

    The Cognos Configuration tool prompts you to save any edits made to the configuration settings. This process will take longer the first time you save a setting as the cryptographic settings and other actions take place for the first time. Click Yes in response to the message asking you to save the settings. You will also see this type of message when you close Cognos Configuration.

  4. Expand IBM Cognos TM1 services. Right-click IBM Cognos TM1 and select Start.
  5. Expand the Data Access > TM1 Server node and right-click each TM1 sample database server that you want to start and select Start.
    For example, start the provided sample databases:
    1. SData
    2. Planning Sample
    3. GO_New_Stores
  6. Click File > Save.
  7. Now that the services are all registered in the Windows services registry, you can reconfigure them to use a specific user account:
    1. In Cognos Configuration, right-click each service you want to change and select Stop.
    2. Open Windows Services.
    3. Right-click on each service and select Properties.
    4. Enter a user name and password valid on your system with the appropriate rights for the service.
    5. Close Windows Services.
  8. In Cognos Configuration, right-click each server and select Start.
  9. Close Cognos Configuration.