Cognos Integration Server

You can use IBM® Cognos® Integration Server to automate the extraction and distribution of business process management (BPM) data to IBM Planning Analytics on Cloud.

Note: Cognos Integration Server is not available with Planning Analytics Digital Pack.

What is Cognos Integration Server?

Cognos Integration Server is used to automate the extraction and distribution of business process management (BPM) data to Planning Analytics on Cloud. Cognos Integration Server provides the following key features:
  • Move your SAP BW InfoCubes and InfoQueries data to Planning Analytics on Cloud.
  • Extend your BPM capabilities by extracting and transforming any level of data, metadata, and security information from Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, and Oracle Hyperion Financial Management for use in Planning Analytics on Cloud.
  • Use the automated extraction capabilities of Cognos Integration Server to enable real-time planning, calculations, and updates to move your data as necessary.
  • Perform multiple, parallel extractions without taking your applications offline.
  • View, define, and modify structures and extraction selections. You can also save the required data transformations, mappings, and calculations.
  • Automation capabilities, such as email alerts and audit logs, help to ensure data security and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance by using automated operations.

For more information about Cognos Integration Server, see Cognos Integration Server 10.2.3 documentation

Connecting Cognos Integration Server with Planning Analytics on Cloud

To connect Cognos Integration Server with Planning Analytics on Cloud, a non-interactive account is required. Your IBMid can not be used. The Welcome Kit also contains the information that is required to set up a non-interactive user.

For more information about the Welcome Kit, see The Welcome Kit.

When connecting Cognos Integration Server with Planning Analytics on Cloud, use the "URL Connection" method. Do not use the "admin server" method.

Connection parameter values

The following are some parameter values that you may need to set up Cognos Integration Server with Planning Analytics on Cloud:
  • The TM1 Authentication parameter value should be the CAM namespace.
  • The CAM Namespace ID parameter value should be "LDAP".
  • The User Name is the non-interactive account name.
  • The Password is the non-interactive account password (provided in the Welcome Kit).
  • The URL is the TM1 server endpoint. The TM1 server endpoint is created by concatenating the hostname + /tm1/api + tm1_server_name + /api/v1. For example, the following server endpoint connects to the PData TM1 Server:
Note: If your TM1 server name includes a space, Planning Analytics creates two endpoints that you can use to connect to the server; one with a space in the server name and one without a space in the server name. For example, if you have a server named Planning Sample, both of these server endpoints are available:
  • https://<environmentname> Analytics/api/vi
  • https://<environmentname>

Some third-party applications might not be able to connect to a TM1 server with spaces in the name. If you encounter difficulty connecting to a server with spaces in the name, try using the endpoint without spaces in the server name.


Cognos Integration Server does not support the sandbox dimension on Planning Analytics TM1 server.

If EnableSandboxDimension=T is set in the Tm1s.cfg file for the TM1 server, the extract fails with an error.

When extracting data from a TM1 server, ensure that EnableSandboxDimension=F is specified in the Tm1s.cfg file for the server.