Cognos Command Center

You can use IBM® Cognos® Command Center on-premises to automate your IBM Planning Analytics on Cloud.

Note: Cognos Command Center is not available with Planning Analytics Digital Pack.
  • You can create a task that combines TI processes with file management. For example, you can create a task that automates a scheduled upload of a data file to the cloud by using FTPS and runs a TI process that imports the data into your IBM Planning Analytics system. The task can then run a second TI process to export the results of the first TI process and download the results back to your local computer.
  • You can also use other features of Cognos Command Center. For example, you can parse log files to look for problems and get alerts.
  • You can use Cognos Command Center to bridge on-premises and on-cloud activities. You can also manage cloud-to-cloud activities.
  • Because the agent is not a Windows Administrator, you cannot use a Cognos Command Center task to start, stop, or restart the TM1 Server, which runs as a Windows service.
  • You cannot use action buttons or TM1 TI scripts to start Cognos Command Center processes because the Cognos Command Center TM1 wrapper is not deployed on cloud.

When you first use your IBM Planning Analytics system, you are provided with an IBM Planning Analytics Welcome Kit file for each IBM Planning Analytics system that you requested. The IBM Planning Analytics Welcome Kit contains the information that is required to set up an agent in Cognos Command Center and also to set up a computing resource in the Cognos Command Center server.

A non-interactive account is required to connect Cognos Command Center with Planning Analytics on Cloud. An IBMid can not be used. The Welcome Kit also contains the information that is required to set up a non-interactive user, <customer>_tm1_automation, in Cognos Command Center. For more information about the Welcome Kit, see The Welcome Kit.

For more information, see Planning Analytics account and system information.