Setting up a computing resource for the non-interactive user
This computing resource type represents a TM1 Server instance.
- In the Cognos® Command Center navigation tree, click Setup and Design.
- Click Ecosystems.
- Open an ecosystem. For example, double-click the name of an existing ecosystem in the navigation pane.
- In the ecosystem editor window, click the Computing resources tab.
Click the Add computing resource icon
to add a computing resource.
A new computing resource editor opens.
To add a TM1 computing resource, select TM1 Server from
theType drop-down list.
The TM1 resource attributes are displayed.
Configure the following attributes:
- Agent Use the agent that you created in Setting up a non-interactive account for use in the LDAP namespace.
- Home Directory For example, c:\ccc\your_choice.
- Server endpoint The TM1 Server endpoint is created by concatenating
hostname +
+ tm1_server_name +/api/v1
. For example, the following server endpoint connects to the PData TM1 Server:https://<environmentname>
- User name For example, <customer>_tm1_automation.
- Password For example, your_TM1_ automation_user_password.
- CAM namespace name LDAP.
Note: If your TM1 server name includes a space, Planning Analytics creates two endpoints that you can use to connect to the server; one with a space in the server name and one without a space in the server name. For example, if you have a server named Planning Sample, both of these server endpoints are available:-
https://<environmentname> Analytics/api/vi
Some third-party applications might not be able to connect to a TM1 server with spaces in the name. If you encounter difficulty connecting to a server with spaces in the name, try using the endpoint without spaces in the server name.