Setting up a computing resource for the non-interactive user

This computing resource type represents a TM1 Server instance.


  1. In the Cognos® Command Center navigation tree, click Setup and Design.
  2. Click Ecosystems.
  3. Open an ecosystem. For example, double-click the name of an existing ecosystem in the navigation pane.
  4. In the ecosystem editor window, click the Computing resources tab.
  5. Click the Add computing resource icon add icon to add a computing resource.

    A new computing resource editor opens.

  6. To add a TM1 computing resource, select TM1 Server from theType drop-down list.

    The TM1 resource attributes are displayed.

  7. Configure the following attributes:
    • Agent Use the agent that you created in Setting up a non-interactive account for use in the LDAP namespace.
    • Home Directory For example, c:\ccc\your_choice.
    • Server endpoint The TM1 Server endpoint is created by concatenating hostname + /tm1/api + tm1_server_name + /api/v1. For example, the following server endpoint connects to the PData TM1 Server:
    • User name For example, <customer>_tm1_automation.
    • Password For example, your_TM1_ automation_user_password.
    • CAM namespace name LDAP.
    Note: If your TM1 server name includes a space, Planning Analytics creates two endpoints that you can use to connect to the server; one with a space in the server name and one without a space in the server name. For example, if you have a server named Planning Sample, both of these server endpoints are available:
    • https://<environmentname> Analytics/api/vi
    • https://<environmentname>

    Some third-party applications might not be able to connect to a TM1 server with spaces in the name. If you encounter difficulty connecting to a server with spaces in the name, try using the endpoint without spaces in the server name.