Data directory overview

The data directory contains the cubes, dimensions, and system information that are loaded into memory when an IBM® TM1® Server is started. When you access a server from any TM1 client, TM1 reads data from that server's data directory.

When you run TM1, the changes you make to cube values are immediately stored in memory and in the transaction log (Tm1s.log). TM1 then saves the data back to the data directory when any of the following occur:

  • TM1 Server is shut down.
  • An administrator right-clicks a server icon in Server Explorer and chooses Save Data from the menu. TM1 saves the changes to the selected server.
  • An administrator chooses File > Save Data All in Server Explorer. TM1 saves the changes to all the connected servers, if you have the proper authority.
  • A user saves the batch updates.

Choose the path for your data directory when you install TM1 Server.

Table 1. Default Data Directory Paths

Data Directory

Default Path

Local TM1 Server


Remote Windows TM1 Server for sample data


UNIX TM1 Server


Required network access

A client's ability to save data is determined by the IBM TM1 security scheme.

For more information, see the TM1 Developer documentation.

Important: Make this directory visible only to administrators and to the login account that is used by the server.

Multiple data directories

You can specify that you want IBM TM1 Server to use multiple data directories by separating the directory names with semicolons. When you specify multiple data directories, TM1 does the following.
  • Accesses cubes and dimensions from each of the specified directories. If there is a duplicate object, TM1 accesses the object from the first directory specified.
  • Writes changes to the directory where the object is located. When you create a new object, TM1 writes to the first directory you had specified.

For example, suppose you want to store dimensions in a directory called tm1dims, and cubes in a directory called tm1cubes. You would specify the following in the Tm1s.cfg file:


By concatenating the two directories, you can access these objects through Server Explorer as if they were in a single location.

Note: You cannot store cube (.cub) and rules (.rux) files in separate data directories. The .rux file must reside in the same directory as the .cub file with which it is associated. If the .rux file is not in the same directory as the associated .cub file, rules will not load properly.

Data directory location

You specify the location of the data directory differently for local and remote servers.
  • For a local server, specify the location of the data directory by naming this directory in the DataBaseDirectory parameter of the Tm1p.ini file.

    You can change the .ini file by using the IBM Cognos® TM1 Options menu in Server Explorer.

    For more information, see The Tm1p.ini client configuration file.

  • For a remote server, specify the location of the data directory by using either the DatabaseDirectory parameter in the Tm1s.cfg file or the -d command-line parameter when you bring up the server.

For information on server parameters, see The tm1s.cfg configuration file.

A remote server must be able to recognize the drive where the data directory resides. If the directory is on a remote drive, you must map that drive to a local drive letter.

Tip: When you access a remote server, you do not need to map to the drive where the server data directory resides.

If you do not specify the location of the data directory, the IBM TM1 Server cannot start and the following error message displays.

Data Directory not specified. Aborting server startup.